When One Door Closes… Eli’s Story Losing Shelby on January 6th, 2018 was one of the hardest days/times I ever endured. My sweet Chocolate Lab, whom I had devoted the past year to, fighting for her to become healthy and well, was gone. In that instant of hearing the news that there was No Hope, left me reeling, wondering how I could ever go on without her. I felt as if I’d failed. Not only myself but her too. How …
Excel Camelina Oil, and Why I Use It For over 2+ years I was a big supporter of a cannabis oil for pets called MediPaws. I’d found this to be very useful for all pets, whether it was that they were in pain and discomfort from immobility issues, allergies/autoimmune diseases, and a whole vast array of other problems. MediPaws seemed to help, especially when used in conjunction with Nzymes®. I had developed a ‘paralysis kit’ which consisted of Nzymes® Granules …
There are some people that know of what my family has endured since 2021 with my son Koen. I didn’t speak of it with too many, because I knew that most would not understand, or want to understand, and possibly think I was a little nuts. What happened to Koen seemed unrealistic, yet it was very real. I was scared to tell, and instead when people became aware of the fact that Koen had a ‘condition’, it was never mentioned, in detail, what actually was …
I had repeatedly fought with myself recently over the answers to the questions… “do I tell?”, “When do I tell?” And, “Is this too good to be true?” Why? Because I can’t even process the experience in order to fully believe it myself! This started as an ‘event type’ which I have experienced many times in the past 10+ years, and which has always ended with a call to the vet and ‘crossing the dog over’. This past week, has been a ‘see it to …
In May of 2018, I was given a few sample bottles of Tracite Minerals to try. It was something that Nzymes was considering adding to their line of people products, and wanted feedback. I had my doubts I had tried something similar just a few years before. It was called Humic Fulvic. It was supposed to restore essential minerals, and help the body to be able to absorb what it was missing. I purchased many bottles of it, thinking ‘what if’ this together with Nzymes, could be …
For decades, I was a diligent client at my veterinary practice, purchasing the annual flea/tick/heartworm meds. This was the ‘right’ thing to do, according to my vet, in order to protect my fur babies from the deadly outcomes I was warned about. I had never known of anyone’s pet having succumbed to such, but I needed keep mine ‘safe’ because of what the vet said. If I missed my start date in the Spring, they’d be calling me, reminding me …