I had repeatedly fought with myself recently over the answers to the questions… “do I tell?”, “When do I tell?” And, “Is this too good to be true?” Why? Because I can’t even process the experience in order to fully believe it myself! This started as an ‘event type’ which I have experienced many times in the past 10+ years, and which has always ended with a call to the vet and ‘crossing the dog over’. This past week, has been a ‘see it to …
A Natural Approach for Paralysis and Mobility Issues Help, my Pet is Paralyzed or Immobile, what do I do???? Very frequently, I hear from people whose animals have become paralyzed or immobile. Often it’s voicemails, where the owners are distraught, pleading for help. Conversations with people, in which I ‘feel’ their despair. This is a devastating event to endure. You feel alone, nobody understands ‘how’ you feel. The answers we get from the vets, often give us zero Hope. We …
Paralysis Challenges or Not, I Refused to Believe Beanut Would Not Play Normally Again. Before I get started, I want to point out that several videos, provided below, are offered to help illustrate how even the most challenging Dachshund paralysis recovery is possible. Getting such a disabled dog up and moving, with the opportunity of ‘having a life’ is usually much more possible than is generally assumed. This fact is proven, over and over, whether in my own little world, or …
Kylie’s Paralysis Recovery Story – as told by Heidi Steffano. My little 6 year old dachshund/Pomeranian dog Kylie cried in agony on the way to the animal hospital. She had injured her spine. She had lost all bladder and bowel control and had no sensation in her hind legs. We were told time was of the essence and she needed surgery within the week if there was going to be any hope of recovering any mobility. Her condition continued to deteriorate …
Pancho, a Chihuahua Cinderella Story. I’d like to share the story of sweet little Pancho, down with dog paralysis, as told by his Mom, Lorraine. On Oct 31 2014, our precious little puppy Chihuahua, Pancho, fell off the arm of our leather couch hitting his head and back on the glass end table. We knew immediately that something was very wrong. He couldn’t move. We took him to the vet, and learnt that his back legs were paralyzed, and that …
My Bella, her IVDD & Paralysis, and Her Recovery. I’ll begin by telling you about myself, and how I came across NZYMES®, what they are, and where it’s all lead to. I believe everything happens for a reason, and when our ‘path’ is laid before us, it is an incredible journey to follow. ? It started on December 1, 2012 when my one dog Bella, suffered a paralysis. We found out she had IVDD, and that there was really …