Paralysis Challenges or Not, I Refused to Believe Beanut Would Not Play Normally Again.
Before I get started, I want to point out that several videos, provided below, are offered to help illustrate how even the most challenging Dachshund paralysis recovery is possible. Getting such a disabled dog up and moving, with the opportunity of ‘having a life’ is usually much more possible than is generally assumed. This fact is proven, over and over, whether in my own little world, or within what NZYMES® does – on a much larger scale – with their international reach. After all, this is how I found out about NZYMES, when my Bella became paralyzed, from IVDD troubles.
Finding Out About Beanut & Getting Started
My Journey with Beanut began on November 10, 2015. I’d awoken to an onslaught of messages. Some were from friends/clients, and some were from people I did not know, but that knew of me and the work I’d been doing with paralysis dogs. Everyone wanted me to see a particular Facebook post. It was from a lady named Jana, who had to make one of the hardest decisions of her life. The picture drew me in instantly.
I need your help! This is my sweet boy Peanut, he is 5 yrs old and the sweetest loving dog I’ve ever known. A little over a year ago he hurt his back and was paralyzed in his rear end. Initially he couldn’t even relieve his own bladder, I had to manually press his bladder to drain him. The vet said he’d never walk again without surgery but the surgery was $6000 and not something I could afford. So I spent the last year doing water therapy and home therapy treatments with him and for the last 4 months my sweet boy has been walking…he walks funny but he walks none the less. He goes outside to the bathroom with minimal accidents and I keep him in a laundry basket for part of the day when we aren’t doing his exercises. I have 2 small boys (2 yrs & 9 months old) and cats which he loves but if I let him run around the house he tends to re-injure himself and I don’t want him locked in a crate 24/7…but he does sleep in his crate at night.
The fact that I’m home all the time right now ensures he gets plenty of exercise so he continues to improve. Here is my dilemma. ..I must go back to work now…my only option would be to crate him all day while at work and during the night and without my being home and getting him mobile he will definitely regress and all the amazing progress he has made will go down the drain…it rips my heart out but I need for him to be with someone who has more time available to ensure he can be mobile without re-injury. So I’m looking for someone who has a place in their heart and home for my sweet boy. He has the sweetest disposition, he loves kids and other animals and the last thing I want is to say good bye to my best buddy, but at the same time it’s not fair to him to have to spend the majority of his life in a crate once I return to work.
He did have to use a wheelchair for a while which he no longer needs but will go with him just in case he ever did need it again. I’m hoping to find the right person and that you would be willing to keep me posted on him and maybe email me pic’s here and there. We live in London Ontario, Canada.
Please share this with anyone you know who is looking for the sweetest boy you’ll ever meet…he might walk a bit funny but that doesn’t stop him from being playful or the biggest sucky snuggle bug’
As I read that post, I welled up with tears. I couldn’t even IMAGINE how Jana must be feeling. To have to come to such a tough decision, and to hope Peanut would end up in a good home; the perfect home, one where his condition was understood and he would be loved with no restraints. My heart broke for her. I couldn’t even put myself into that place; what if I had to do such for Bella??!!
After I’d gotten ahold of myself, I read the post to my husband. By the time I was done reading it, he had two words. ‘Get him!’.
We had recently lost one of our dogs Niko, and we definitely had room for Peanut, and because I knew all about Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) it seemed like we had just found a new family member. We hadn’t been ‘looking’, but I always believe things work out the way they are meant to, and animals have a way of ‘finding’ us.
I then reached out to Jana, and spoke on the phone. We both knew this was a perfect fit for all of us. Now came the logistics of getting Peanut, as he was in London, Ontario, and I was in Winnipeg, Manitoba. I knew that wasn’t going to be easy, as a 26 hour drive was not doable for either of us. After a few failed attempts to get him here with a pet transport company, I knew I had to take matters into my own hands.
One of my best friends Rob, suggested I reach out to his friend Norm, the Vice President of Business Development at Bison Transport in Mississauga, Ontario. I did so, telling Norm the story about how I’d became aware of Peanut, and how I’d love to get him to Winnipeg. Well, just a few days later, Peanut arrived on a Bison Truck in the caring hands of a brand new Bison driver, named Darrin. Darrin and Peanut had developed quite the bond spending those 3 days in the semi. Ironically, Darrin had not known ‘what’ the special delivery was that he was making, and as it turned out, his own son was paralyzed also, he and Peanut had connected immediately. Meant to be for those two on this new Journey to Winnipeg.
Due to this taking place shortly before Christmas, we were extremely fortunate to have CTV News team there to capture our initial meeting with Peanut. It was a true ‘feel good’ story in time for the season. This CTV New coverage can be found with the first Video link lower on this page.
Upon first seeing Peanut, we fell in love with him. His eyes were so sad looking; uncertain and scared. I felt so bad for him having to watch Darrin walk away, not knowing what was happening to him. Hearing his cries were terrible. But we knew once we brought him ‘home’, he’d know soon enough that he belonged with us forever.
We were right. As soon as he came out of his kennel in our house; he started moving all over checking everything out. He met all his new fur brothers and sisters and everyone got along. No problems whatsoever. He just had to figure out who was who, and where he fit in.
Beanut is Now in the Family – On With Improving His Life!
Being able to truly watch him ‘move’ and seeing how far along he was in his recovery process; I knew we ‘had’ this. He was able to walk; not very much though; and would mostly just take a few steps and then fall down to drag. He preferred to drag himself as he was pretty quick at it, and the sores on his feet indicated that was his method of preferred transportation. And in order to keep up with the other animals; he did what he had to.
I must add, we now had changed his name to Beanut. Since all my other dogs had B names; and part of ‘Brenda’s B Pack’, a P name just didn’t fit. Fortunately, he didn’t notice that his name change. Simple transition.
Beanut was the first dog that I ever put onto my full ‘paralysis program’. This included an all-raw diet; all NZYMES® products, as well as CoEnzymeQ10, colloidal silver, and (at that time) a cannabis hemp oil.
NOTE: I no longer use the Hemp oil; I now use a Camelina oil instead, called Excel.
Every single day, Beanut got stronger and stronger. We recorded video every day. By 2 weeks, he was torpedo’ing around, staying more and more on his feet instead of dragging. He was involved with the other dogs, and where they were, he was. We were amazed at the capabilities he’d quickly developed.
Shortly thereafter, I brought Beanut in to see Dr. Glen Bailey, An animal chiropractor located here in Winnipeg. I’d been taking Bella to see him, as I’d learned after her second paralysis, the importance of having things ‘in place’. I wanted this for Beanut also. (To this day, I still take them in 2X’s a year for ‘tune ups’. It gives me added assurance).
At 2 months in, CTV got back in touch with me. They wanted to know how Beanut was doing. They wanted to do a bit of an update on him for another news clip. I started going through the video footage I had of him, going back to Day 1.
I again, was blown away by how FAR he had come!! This dog, who used to drag himself going down the ramp to go outside, was now full out running from the moment we opened the door, to the time he got to the bottom of the ramp! These were all things that we’d almost become complacent to, really?? When you see it every day, you don’t tend to see those ‘changes’ so much. It is so gradual that you have no idea what’s all going on. Thank goodness I had all those videos!! Now, I could truly ‘see’ his progress. (This is why I always recommend others to video their dog’s paralysis recoveries also.)
When I submitted the footages that I had of Beanut, CTV seen that there was much more than just a short picture update, they wanted to come and do another full story on how far he had come. This lead to another full story on Beanut, and his story of Hope was told. So, this second CTV Interview is accessed using the 2nd Video link lower on the page.
BIT OF A ‘VENT’ HERE: In all of the news stories I have done, NEVER do they tell ‘what’ I did to achieve the results I did. They do full extensive interviews, but not once have they told the ‘whole’ story. Grrrrr. (they must want to avoid any appearance of ‘promotion’)
Now, How Beanut is Doing – After 7 Years Later
Anyways, fast forward to today. Over 7 years since Beanut first arrived. This dog has just continued to get better and stronger. Not once, in the time that I have had him, has there been any sort of a regression, weakness, or set-back in any way. And I truly attribute that to everything I’ve done for him. I believe without a doubt, that the Nzymes and colloidal silver have stopped his degeneration, which is the main issue with IVDD. I suspect the same for Bella. Whenever possible to repair the myelin sheath of the body’s cells, degeneration comes to a halt!
The stamina that Beanut also has, is unreal. He has continued to amaze us with his capabilities and ‘Go factor’. The dog who used to have bleeding sores all over his back feet, who chose to drag instead of walk, is now never seen dragging. He is on his feet 100% of the time, with his back legs the width of his hips, which tells me his body has done a fantastic job of correcting itself.
Taking a Dachshund dog into our family, has given me another great lesson in understanding how paralysis can affect our animals. Especially this particular breed. I’ve come to learn that they are the toughest dogs to help recover. But, I think that’s due to their length, they just seem to be ‘broken’ more? Their time period of truly being able to get back on their feet ranges more in months than weeks. I’ve had some Dachshunds that took 4+months to get back on their feet, but then once they did? Off to the races they went. I understand that every single body is different, and no two responses are going to be the same, but when it comes to Doxie owners, I always stress that this may not be a quick and easy road, but it is SO worth it in the end. Never get discouraged. Sometimes, as what happened to me, we don’t see the improvements when they are right before our eyes. Video. Is key. I love to see everyone’s videos. There is so often that I see the positives as to how the animal is moving, that the owners themselves don’t recognize because they’ve never been through it before. It can provide another level of Hope for the owner.
I am thankful to Beanut for all he has taught me. He has been a perfect addition into our family, and I am grateful to Jana for having given us this ‘gift’. Her great gift of love for Beanut will never end; but, her decision to give him up, as difficult as it was, worked out in the best way. He gets to be at home all day with his fur brothers and sisters, and myself; therefore rewarded with constant stimulation and lots of ‘life’.
As for Darrin, the Bison driver who brought Beanut to us, we still see him frequently. Beanut remembers him every time he sees him, and it is very cute to see that bond between them still in place. Our lives were all intertwined because of this special little dog, and life long friendships have been formed. In October of 2018, Darrin adopted a blue heeler foster dog named Toby from us. Toby and Darrin are the best of friends, and Toby loves his life on the road with his dad. Everything DOES happen for a reason!!
Don’t Stop Believing!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Brenda Johnson, Winnipeg, MB
NOTE: Please forgive the commercials used by the TV station.
Click this Picture to Link to the First Story – of Beanut coming home to me for the first time
Click this Picture to Link to the 2nd Story – of Beanut after 2 Months of Recovery Time
Finally, You can Click this Picture to See the Video I have put up – Showing a Variety of My Cases
Find Beanut – running and playing at various points throughout the video: At 1:17, at 3:02, and at 5:10 to end.
Dec 16, 2018
Okay, I thought your dog recovered paralysis and I read at the end you had to give him up?? Get euthanized?? Then ur dog has not recovered then and you are lying, not only that you are lazy to take care of a paralyzed dog that you had to do it..sad but humans can be so selfish
Dec 16, 2018
Hi Jan,
I must say I was pretty taken aback by your comments.
First of all, I don’t know ‘what’ you read, but I can most certainly tell you that I have NEVER been ‘lazy’ nor have I ‘lied’. I have also never euthanized a paralyzed dog. In this story about Beanut, there is not anything that says I gave him up, nor had him euthanized??!! As I sit here writing this message to you, I am looking at him chasing after our kitten! We have had him now for over 3 years, and he is very much alive.
And selfish? I think if you knew me, and seen all the animals I always have in my home, helping them to recover and giving them the best last years of their lives, you’d see that I’m the FURTHEST person from being selfish! My animals come first in having their needs and health issues taken care of.
When I first seen your post, I wasn’t sure how to address it. As I have never in all my years had someone come ‘at me’ as you did, stating such blatant untruths based on what you thought you read. And whilst on one hand, I could have just ignored and deleted it, on the other, I knew that what you were saying was the furthest thing from the truth, and I wondered ‘where’ you got your information from? As it most certainly wasn’t about Beanut’s story. Have I worked with dogs, or had dogs in my home that we had to let go? Absolutely yes. But I can tell you that it certainly wasn’t because of being ‘lazy’ or not caring about them. Sometimes you have to do what’s best for the animal, and letting them cross over and be ‘free’ is the best thing for them, regardless of how I feel.
So please go and reread this story. As I can assure you that you have clearly mistaken my story, for another. I would suggest to get truths and facts before you go and state such comments towards someone that you don’t even know, and if you did, you wouldn’t be saying what you did. That is downright hurtful and insensitive.
Your comments were definitely unfounded and untrue. Please re read Beanuts story; you will see there is nothing at all in there that says I gave him up or had him euthanized. I have never ‘given up’ on an animal, ever, and I never will.
petra miller
Jul 24, 2020
I would like to know how much colloidal silver to give to a ninety pound dog with severe DM. Thanks.
Jul 29, 2020
Hello Petra!
I myself would use at least 2 ounces a day, and depending on the severity of the DM, I might go up to as high as 4. It’s the one thing that I found that made much of a difference when I’d bump it up. Did you get a chance to see the DM article I have also? Mia, was the first dog I ever used this regimen on for DM, and she is the one that taught me that bumping it up, was exactly what she needed, especially as she aged and needed more ‘resources’. Triple dose of Nzymes and 4 ounces of silver.
For the silver, I make my own so that’s why using a higher amount is able to be done. If I had to buy it, I’d never be able to afford it. Definitely I recommend to everyone to get the same generator to make their own. It’s pennies to make it yourself. And then, if you have to use more, it’s not costing an arm and a leg. ?
I have this article also about colloidal silver, why I use it, and then also information on getting a generator to make your own also.
Please let me know if I can be of any further help. ?