Paralysis Support Program

A Natural Approach for Paralysis and Mobility Issues

Help, my Pet is Paralyzed or Immobile, what do I do????

Very frequently, I hear from people whose animals have become paralyzed or immobile. Often it’s voicemails, where the owners are distraught, pleading for help. Conversations with people, in which I ‘feel’ their despair. This is a devastating event to endure. You feel alone, nobody understands ‘how’ you feel. The answers we get from the vets, often give us zero Hope. We can spend all kinds of money on tests to find out ‘what’s’ wrong, but then what? Do we spend the thousands of dollars on surgery that has no guarantee? And in the end? How do we know what is the right decision for our animals? Are we doing the right thing? WHAT is the right thing? How do we know? And who can we talk to that’s been through it too, and can give us that much-needed Hope, for which we so badly seek?

This is why I decided it was necessary to write this article. Now, bear with me, as it may be a long one, but I want to make sure that when you are done reading this, you will have Hope. And, that you will be able to make the decision for your fur baby, that you know in your heart, is the right one. ? I also want you to have the best chance of helping with your pets recovery, therefore I will go over some very important information which will be crucial to that.

My Personal Journey with Canine Paralysis 

My first paralysis experience was with my own dog Bella, in 2012. Her paralysis was caused by IVDD, or InterVertebral Disc Disease.

“Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) is a condition where the cushioning discs between the vertebrae of the spinal column either bulge or burst (herniate) and extend into the spinal cord space. These discs can then press on the nerves running through the spinal cord causing pain, nerve damage, and even paralysis” (

With Bella, we didn’t do the MRI’s to find out exactly ‘what’ had caused the problem. We didn’t know if it was an embolism, or a disc rupture or ??? We had no way of knowing. All we knew, is that she was paralyzed in her back end, no answers. We couldn’t afford the surgery, nor were we willing to risk that amount of money on something that we didn’t know would even help her. And that’s when the vet told us of ‘conservative’ treatment, which included leaving her in the kennel for 6-8 weeks, sending us home with steroids as well as pain and anti-inflammatory meds. We were also referred to a natural homeopathic vet.

That vet gave us more answers. She told us that we should NOT be leaving Bella in her crate, as that would only cause the rest of the body to atrophy. ‘Keep the strong parts strong, the damage is done’.

She showed us some at home therapy we could be doing on Bella and gave her acupuncture and laser therapy. We had a total of 3 visits.

On the 5th day after Bella’s paralysis, I received my Nzymes® order. We got her ‘back’ after 9 days on Nzymes. That’s when she took her first steps again.


Within the first week of being on Nzymes®, I stopped all her meds. I wanted to take away the ‘band-aids’ so that I could see how she was truly doing. I wanted the steroids gone because they are the one thing that is a big ‘hindrance’ to the Nzymes®. Steroids cause cellular death. They tell the body to shut down. Nzymes® enable it to come to Life; so when you have that constant good/bad battle going on, it can prevent the Nzymes® from working to their full potential.

Bella got better, and by 6 weeks when we could have let her out of her ‘strict kennel rest’, she was not only walking; but running and doing stairs! But, going forward there was still always ‘something’ not right, and we knew that by her actions, that something was going to happen. We’d had times that she’d have her back legs cross over. Losing the ability to stand or walk, short-lived each time though. No longer than a day.

It happened again fully on November 8 of 2014, in another complete paralysis. I got her ‘back’ after that one too, after about 10 days. But that is when I really started putting more ‘pieces’ together in understanding what IVDD truly was, and how this degenerative disease affected the body. Little did I know, that I had been ‘feeding’ her disease, with starches. Poor quality food. I didn’t understand then, that we should NEVER feed our animals starches!! In the body, starches turn to sugar, and sugar turns to yeast. Yeast is what feeds these degenerative diseases, it adds to swelling and inflammation, and is the biggest ‘culprit’ in most health issues facing humans and animals today. Preservatives and toxins also contribute, which is where many neurological paralyzes may stem from.

Important Lessons I’d Learned

There are 5 big ‘No No’s’ in our pets foods. Corn, rice, potato, wheat, and tapioca. They are the biggest starches out there; and if we feed that to our animals, we are only creating a perfect path for failing health. And that’s where I went wrong with Bella. At first. I didn’t know how crucial the food was too. I thought ‘I’m giving her Nzymes, that makes everything better’. Nope. Not the case. I was complacent to the fact that I was causing her to still have lots of yeast: which disallowed the Nzymes to work to their true full potential. I had created a good and bad ‘battle’ between the poor food and snacks, and the Nzymes. Unfortunately, Bella experiencing the second paralysis was what gave me the ‘wake up’ I clearly needed.

It was then that I changed her to a raw diet, no ‘garbage’ snacks and treats. (I am not suggesting that everyone switch to a raw diet, but for sure a ‘meat’ based starch-free one). (SEE NZYMES RECOMMENDED FOODS) I also added a few other supplements to her Nzymes regimen. I had learned about these from another dog I had just gotten by the name of Bohdi. Bohdi came to me as a ‘Forever Foster’ with only days to weeks tops left to live. It was because of his conditions, that I learned more ways to help paralysis dogs!!!

Learn More about Bohdi

It was now, that I added CoEnzymeQ10 and Colloidal Silver to Bella’s regimen. I use colloidal silver as it helps repair the myelin sheath over every cell. Since many paralyzes are due to a degenerative disease, I see this as a great ‘necessity’ also. I also learned of K9 Chiropractic, which I took Bella to, and it gave me the assurance of knowing that her spine was in ‘place’. I didn’t know of this after her first paralysis, I wish I had.

I also started using a cannabis oil on Bella and all my other animals, which was good, but in the spring of 2017, I changed to a Camelina Oil by a company called Excel. It is far superior to the cannabis oil, and much more economical.

What is Camelina Oil? – LEARN HERE

A NEW Challenge, a New Approach

My second IVDD dog, Beanut, came to me with a year-old paralysis issue in December of 2015. He was the first dog with whom I started, from Day 1, on this new combination of products, and also took him to the K9 chiropractor.

When he first arrived, he was able to stand on his back legs for a few seconds, even take a few steps, but then fall down. He dragged 95% of the time, and stayed in one spot a lot, and would just spin himself around to see the action. His back legs were completely raw and torn open from dragging everywhere.

After 2 weeks, he was torpedo’ing around! He was up more on his feet than he was off of them, he was becoming stronger and stronger. By the time 2 months came around, he was practically 100%.

See Beanut’s Improvements – as seen on CTV News in Canada

We are now over 10 years in and I have never seen even the slightest of anything that would indicate that he may experience a second paralysis. Many IVDD dogs do because it is a degenerative disease, it keeps on deteriorating more and more. But, I truly believe, that by doing all these things, and understanding what role each and every one has against this disease, or any other degenerative disease, it seems as if we have ‘stopped’ it??!! At the very least, it seems we have slowed the progression.

Beanut’s Regimen is Working for Others

After Beanut, many more dogs came along, with different ’causes’ for paralysis. IVDD, Degenerative Myelopathy, Degenerative Disc disease, arthritis, osteoarthritis, infections, tumors, and especially Lyme disease, or tick-borne diseases, vaccine induced paralysis, and even brain injuries. There are so many things that can ‘create’ a paralysis or mobility, but I’ve learned that by simply giving the body the ‘tools’ it requires along with proper nutrition, can change it all. Providing the animal with constant stimulation to their affected limbs-at home therapy, even laser treatment-at home! (See link below)

  1. I am now at over 1000+ paralyzed/immobile dogs that I’ve been fortunate to have been a part of their recoveries. I’ve had dogs who haven’t gotten up in 5 months, one that was paralyzed for 9 years,  and dogs that were ice cold in the back end by the time they got to me. Even all 4 legs paralyzed. But no matter ‘what’ the reason is behind their condition, my approach is always the same. Food change, Nzymes, Q10, Colloidal Silver and Excel oil and chiropractic if available. Those things, together, create a dynamite ‘team’ and give the animal the very best chance at recovery, in a 100% natural way.

I always like to ask many questions when first learning of a new paralysis case. But the MOST important one is which food/snacks and treats the animal is receiving. It is very important to suffocate out the yeast in the body, in order to get the best results. Provide a good, balanced meat-based diet, along with the live nutrition Nzymes supplement, and a pure quality of the others and your dog will have all the ‘tools’ they need to help them along in their Journey. I don’t want to see anyone have to experience a second paralysis also. I do sometimes feel guilt over Bella’s second paralysis, but I just didn’t KNOW any better back then, but I sure have learned since!

Paralysis Similarities and Differences

No one paralysis like the other. One animals injury may not be as severe as another, or another’s degenerative disease or autoimmune disease may not be as far advanced as the next. Therefore, when I am asked ‘how long until I see results?’ I honestly have to answer ‘I don’t know’. But it’s because every single ‘body’ is different. I’ve had true Cinderella stories where the NEXT day the dog got up, or 3 or 5 days later. For some, it was on the 8th day. Others it took weeks, months, even an entire year. But, with those, I didn’t know about the Q10, colloidal silver, Excel Oil and food importance. Maybe many results would have been different if we had done those things? I’ll never know, but I do know now that now I like to essentially do a ‘reset’ of the animal, and build back up from the ‘root’. And whilst I cannot tell you how long it’s going to take for your dog to get back on all fours, I can tell you that it’s a day by day Journey; with each little accomplishment being the biggest. Seeing your dogs tail wag for the first time? Is a very joyful time. Every little ‘step’ becomes huge milestones. It makes you look at life with a whole new perspective. To see your fur baby giving 100% to recover, with such determination and drive, touches one’s heart in a way I never knew possible. We begin to have a very different ‘love’ for that pet, and when others see them walking a bit weird, and say ‘Awwww, what’s wrong with them?’ You can say as I always do, ‘There is nothing wrong with her!! She is N’abled, not Disabled!!’ I do not ever give Bella or Beanut any pity. They don’t want it. To see them tearing around, being all crazy, running like there is nothing wrong, nor that they were ever paralyzed, never mind twice, it’s pretty tough to pity that. ?

Additional Help

One of the things I see most in videos that are sent to me,  is the animal slipping and sliding on the floors.  This is only going to make it more difficult for that animal to gain traction, and be able to keep their feet underneath them.  I always recommend two things.  The first being, when indoors, get some carpet runners.  You will find that your animal will gravitate towards them, and this will allow them to build that confidence of not losing their legs when trying to get up.  The saddest thing is to see our fur babies splayed out on all fours, being afraid to move.   It would be like us walking on ice. You stiffen up, and have that fear of falling.  The same goes for our pets.

And, get them outside as much as possible, allowing them to lay in the dirt or grass.  This allows them to be “grounded”.  All living bodies have energy.  When we are unable to ‘release’ that energy, swelling and inflammation can become worse.  Do you remember how great you felt as a kid barefoot, or dangling your feet in the lake?  Over the years with wearing shoes,  we’ve lost that ‘connection’ to the earth, allowing our bodies to be balanced.  The same applies to our animals.  Most animals will gravitate towards grass or dirt, as they ‘know’ its good for them.   To see the benefits of grounding, please read this article by Dr Karen Becker and Clint Ober.

Perhaps My Journey can Help Your’s

So this is why I wanted to write this. I wanted everyone who has experienced a paralysis or mobility issue with their animal, to know, this doesn’t have to be a devastating time or ordeal. There IS joy in that sorrow. I don’t see any paralysis as a gut-wrenching ordeal anymore. I always have Hope, especially after everything I’ve seen for myself, lived, and experienced, with my own dogs and others. Yes, it may take some time, but the light IS there at the end of the tunnel. ?

I believe everything happens for a reason, and I have known for a long time, that Bella’s paralysis was meant to be. The utter sorrow I felt during that time, how ‘alone’ I was, truly touched me. I couldn’t imagine anyone else having to feel that way too. I vowed then; if I could ever help even just ONE person to not feel that way, then this would all have been worth it. Little did I know then, that Bella’s paralysis would change my entire life’s path, to now being able to spend every one of my days, focused and dedicated to helping others and their fur babies, to have, to experience, and live that Hope also.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you have any questions or would like to be in contact with me in regards to an immobility or paralysis, please don’t hesitate. It is never too late.

See my Article about the Cold Laser Therapy device I use

Don’t Stop Believing ❤❤❤

Brenda’s Paralysis Support  Program – A Word from Mike

Hello, and thank you for visiting Brenda’s Corner today. My name is Mike, and I am director of operations at This website is the combined brain-child of Brenda and myself. It is a sub-domain of, but that is not important.

Someone once said, “You’re the same person today, that you’ll be 5 years from now, except for the Books you read, and the People you meet”. Five years ago, we got to know Brenda, and the changes that have come our way have been nothing but positive. Along the way, we have been instrumental in her learning process, and now she is returning the favor.

The true purpose of this site is to have a place for her to share her experiences and to be a friendly place for people to hang out…Live, Laugh and Love. We hope you will be enlightened, as well as encouraged with any struggle you may be facing.

Paralysis in our pets can seem utterly hopeless, but there IS hope, and there ARE natural steps you can take that make a real difference. We want this site to be a vehicle of hope via natural means.

Brenda often recommends products that are not our own – that is irrelevant. What is important is supplying people with every tool available to help their dog become as healthy as possible. We are in this together, and together we are stronger.

Dogs and Diet vs. Excessive Shedding
Usage of CoQ10 in My Regimens