My Cloverleaf Mantra – by Brenda.
I have been a woman of great Faith my whole life. I share that Faith with my husband Darryl, and our 3 children. “Don’t Stop Believing” is what I tell each and every person I interact with. I believe that everything happens for a reason. Often in life, we are given great challenges. Challenges that seem so great, that we don’t know HOW we are going to make it through. But we do. And then, eventually, we begin to see that ‘light’ at the end of the tunnel. We look back, and realize that had to happen, for us to be exactly where we are at this moment today. The ‘catalysts’ to redirect our lives.
My husband has always had a gift for finding 4 leaf clovers. It’s uncanny how quickly he can spot one. They say it’s good luck to find one. There is a 1 in 10,000 chance of finding a 4 leaf clover, yet Darryl, can find them anywhere he goes. It has become very special for our family to see the clovers which he has found.
The 4 leaf clover signifies 4 things. Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck. I have realized, how significant these meanings are to myself.
- Faith – because I always Believe.
- Hope – something I NEVER give up on,
- Love – for every body. Animals, or humans,
- Luck – I truly feel Lucky to have had this path laid before me, and Lucky to have been able to be alongside so many animals successes.
I have truly been blessed.
With this belief system, I happily take on the daily challenges of helping everyday folks with their everyday health concerns – from mild to seriously challenging. It is their successes, that are all the ‘rewards’ I need. ❤️
Brenda Johnson
Winnipeg, MB
jerry borden
Dec 12, 2018
Hello Brenda, my name is Jerry Borden. Im looking for HELP! We have a 9 yr old German shepard named Chloe. For the past couple years she started to show signs of what we thought were hip problems. But this past summer she fell out of my truck trying to jump up into the cab, and landed on her rear/tail area. She could barely walk for about a week but gradually got better. Ever since she has been wobbly but could still run ok. About two weeks ago she slipped on our hardwood floor and fell. She let out a yelp and has been paralyzed in her back legs since. We have to hold her up like a wheel barrel to walk her out to use the bathroom and her hind legs remain crossed until we seperate them to use the bathroom and she just makes a mess all over herself. We have had her on the Enzymes antioxidant treats for about a week with the only improvement of some more energy. We are afraid that if wr bring her to the vet that they will just run a bunch of tests and after a high bill, just tell us there is nothing they can do for her. She is my service dog for problems that I have received from an injury serving in the military and now it seems that I have become her service human. Thank you for listening and just hoping for some advice.
Dec 13, 2018
Hi Jerry!
Thank you so much for reaching out. I am so sorry to hear about Chloe.
I would love to speak with you? Instead of writing you a novel on here, it would be so much easier to chat. Would that be ok? If so, please email me at with your phone number, and when is a good time to call you? ?
Julie Olson
Jan 28, 2020
Bless your heart Brenda. You are a God sent. I wish I had met you a couple of months ago. November 15,2019 I lost my beloved pomeranian Winston. He had seizures & had been on phenobarbital for quite a while. The vet told me his liver was in very bad shape because of this medication. I brought him to Bridgewater vet on north town road where they told me he was palliative care. My poor Winston passed away that Friday, the 15th of Nov. I am so broken hearted & lost without him he was only 10 years old ?.
I wish I could have met you before this. Seemed the vets didnt realy know what to do.
I love him so much & I am so lost & broken hearted without my boy?????
Feb 10, 2020
Hi Julie, ?
I just wanted to see how you were doing? Something made me think of you and Winston, and so I wanted to reach out.
If you need, I’m part of a page on Facebook, it’s called Over The Rainbow Bridge. It’s a support group which is just incredible. Everyone shares their stories, and the lady who heads the page, is a good friend of mine, Morgan. She’s an animal communicator and has been such a help to me over the years. ? If you need, please come join us and share Winstons story. ❤️
Feb 10, 2020
Hi Brenda! I have a Beagle named Jake. Shortly after he turned 3 in June, he woke up one morning and his back half no longer worked. Other than being overweight (he sees it, he eats it), he was always in good health & a happy inside beagle. We could not afford the $6,000 for surgery that “might or might not” fix him, and couldn’t justify (or really afford) the $2,000 for the MRI to find out the cause just for curiosity sake… since we could not afford the surgery to follow (hubby is on disability & I have a church Job, so not a lot extra to spend for curiosity). Anyway, Jake is not in pain, still a smart happy beagle that doesn’t let being disabled stop him from doing anything he wants. I did put him on a diet to get his weight where it belongs (he was not happy with me, he thought he was starving), I put him on Nzymes and switched his dog food to one the recommended. I have been taking him to a chiropractor who does an adjustment and laser light therapy on his back once a week. What else do I need to do to get this young beagle back on all 4? He wags his tail when he needs to poo or gets super excited (but not for regular happy things anymore), and when he sleeps he sometimes moves each joint… even his feet… but not when awake. Can you help my sweet little Jake? Please email me with suggestions.
Feb 10, 2020
Hi Becky! Thank you so much for reaching out. ? I loved reading your message, it made me smile and laugh a few times. Great ‘energy’. ?
I don’t know if you had seen this? This is my regimen that I use for paralysis/mobility cases. Nzymes is the ‘root’, but there’s a few more ‘tools’ we can add, that may be exactly what Jake needs too? He’s so young, so he’s got a great shot at a full recovery. And by what you mentioned with his tail and all, that’s all a very positive sign. So, I think you GOT this Becky!!
If you at all want, we could have a phone chat too? You can call me anytime at 1-877-816-6500 ext 3238. I’d love to chat with you. I think we have some common ground too where the MRI’s and surgeries with no guarantees are. I think it’s a ridiculous amount of money to spend for a ‘then what?’ Sure, we can spend the money to find out the ‘why’, but then what? I was in the same boat as you. I was told if I didn’t do surgery for Bella in the next 24-48 hours her chances of ever walking again were very slim. They were right!!! She didn’t walk again. She RAN!!! ?
Christine L Reband
May 17, 2020
Hi Brenda,
I’m wondering if you’ve worked with any dogs that have been diagnosed with chronic inflammatory respiratory disease. Our rescue dog, Bella has many issues. We got her at about 5 months and the rescue place had already spayed her, hence she now has some spay incontinence issues. They pronounced her healthy at that time. She always had a dry gaggy cough but each vet that looked at her said “She’s good, her heart and her lungs sound good.” Fast forward through what was diagnosed as a case of canine influenza then a bout with every morning vomiting, on and off diarrhea, etc, I finally took a stool specimen in to a new vet, demanded a chest x-ray and was told she had hook worm (even though the rescue said she was treated and it was negative) and a chest xray that looked like a blizzard in her lungs. Probably caused from parasites but nobody really knows. She has been allergy tested, has had a tracheal wash, has been mismanaged by an internist and been hospitalized with pneumonia. New internist and endless rounds of antibiotics, steroids and inhalers. We just had a bronchoscopy and chest CT done at UW Madison and she was found to have multi drug resistant Pseudomonas. She is currently on meropenin injections (a very strong antibiotic) for the pneumonia. As you can imagine, she is a mess. The long time steroid use has caused hair loss. She was diagnosed with a yeast infection in her left ear a couple days ago. I think she has generalized yeast problems as she licks her vagina frequently and thinkher hair loss may be more yeast than steroid. We were told that even if we get the Pseudomonas taken care of, her lungs are permanently damaged. Like a smoker with COPD. She is 3 1/2 and we love her, so not really ready to give her up. Oh. and last summer she had heartworm. Help us, please.
May 18, 2020
Hi Christine,
I’m so sorry to hear about everything you and Bella have been through. My gosh, it’s awful! ? But, I definitely think we can have some positivity. I have great Hope. ❤️
Could you email me at and let me know if you can call to Canada? I’m currently at the lake and unable to call to the US. But if you can call Canada, send me an email, and I’ll send you back my number and maybe we can have a phone date this evening? And if not, then if you email me your number, I can call you tomorrow evening when I get back to the city. ?
Sep 25, 2020
Brenda, can you help? I have a 10.5 year old long haired cat. he has stopped eating and now weighs 8 lbs. The Vet has scheduled him for an Ultrasound. I am starting my own research to help him. I ordered the Granules and OX-E drops. I really don’t know how to administer these products since he won”t eat. Your feedback is URGENTLY needed.
Sep 25, 2020
Just emailed you too