Pancho, a Chihuahua Cinderella Story. I’d like to share the story of sweet little Pancho, down with dog paralysis, as told by his Mom, Lorraine. On Oct 31 2014, our precious little puppy Chihuahua, Pancho, fell off the arm of our leather couch hitting his head and back on the glass end table. We knew immediately that something was very wrong. He couldn’t move. We took him to the vet, and learnt that his back legs were paralyzed, and that …
Bohdi Really Takes to the Race Track. Our beloved Bohdi, our Most Amazing rescue dog, feels right at home at the race track – even though he has little chance of actually ‘herding’ any of those speeding vehicles! Though, I’m sure he’d give it his ALL if we were to let him loose; he’s all Border Collie, that’s for sure. You can see – with his very short Video below – that his enthusiasm is intense, and if the leash …
Horse Named Kara, and Equine Lyme Disease. At the beginning of July of 2014, I got a call from the VP of NZYMES®, to see if I could help in a case of a horse with Lyme disease, in Maryland, USA – by possibly making use of the same protocol I had used for Bohdi’s Lyme issues. In other words, with my ‘scientifically’ proven success with Bohdi’s Lyme elimination, would I be willing to share that information and apply it to a …
My Bella, her IVDD & Paralysis, and Her Recovery. I’ll begin by telling you about myself, and how I came across NZYMES®, what they are, and where it’s all lead to. I believe everything happens for a reason, and when our ‘path’ is laid before us, it is an incredible journey to follow. ? It started on December 1, 2012 when my one dog Bella, suffered a paralysis. We found out she had IVDD, and that there was really …
Max and His Pannus Recovery Story. Meet Max. Max, a now 14.5-year-old Border Collie cross, developed an incurable auto immune eye condition called Pannus in 2007. The sclera (white part) of the eye becomes red and irritated, and ulcers can also form. It will normally lead to inevitable blindness. This is the stage Max was at, barely being able to see. Treatment was only to use steroid drops to keep things at ‘bay’. Nothing else could be done, other than specialist …
Help Found for Retriever with Trouble Walking. Golden Retriever Hope ❤️ – A Short Story: This brief story is of a 15 year-old Golden Retriever named Hope – with limited or NO mobility. Hope had been in very rough shape, and became completely immobile. Things had gotten progressively worse over time. Though Hope had been on NZYMES® Sprouted Granules, she was only getting a single dose (1-tsp daily). Due to her advanced age and deterioration, I recommended to her owners to double …