Dealing With Allergies, Skin & Autoimmune Disorders
When an animal is suffering from ‘allergies’, it is due to yeast. Yeast is the #1 problem for causing allergies, arthritis, autoimmune disorders, degenerative diseases, digestive and even respiratory problems. Pretty much from A-Z, any condition, unless genetic, always has yeast as the ‘root’ of the problem, this is what I have found over the years. Systemic yeast can lie so deep within the body, that sometimes it seems that things are getting better, like a honeymoon phase, and then, it fires up again. Often, people then think it’s the food, and do another food change, thinking it’s that when really, it’s just another round of a ‘detox’ of the yeast coming out. There may have been nothing wrong with the food?! I’ve seen it take up to 2 years to finally be coming to its ‘end’. My rationale is, for every ‘bad’ year, give 1 month for ‘repair and recovery’. This may not always be correct, as every ‘body’ is different, some may be younger, some may be older. But knowing that the bodies own abilities to correct itself, to the best of its capabilities isn’t always a quick ‘fix’, makes patience key when dealing with ‘allergies’.
NOTE: Per lead photo above, New Nzymes® Granules packaging – CLICK >
I don’t believe in ‘seasonal allergies’ either. Now some might disagree, but because of my understanding of the ‘cycles’ of yeast eradication, and what the process is during eradication, I’ve formed this opinion due to what I’ve seen and experienced. The sunlight and warmth in the Spring, and then turning the heat back on in the Fall, warming up their bodies, causing more yeast to ‘rise’. What do we do when we want to make yeast rise for bread? We make it warm!! The same applies to an animal’s body! Warm it up, it comes up.
Vaccinations also play a big role in ‘allergies’. Many animals, will develop ‘allergies’ after receiving their shots. In many cases, when we’ve looked at the vaccination protocol for the animal, it adds up to ‘when’ the problems first began, and often sped up after as a result of the next years of shots. If an animal is not well, and especially when signs of a weakened immune system are apparent, the last thing you want to do is create more of a ‘weakness’ by doing those injections. Sadly, it’s going to weaken the system even more. I always recommend Titer testing. Titer testing tests the antibodies in the body. With these results, you learn what, if anything that animal ‘needs’. It also prevents unnecessary vaccinations to be given. Some believe that shots past the initial 2 years are not needed. There is zero scientific evidence indicating that it is, yet we continue to be lead to believe that we should be continuing lifelong vaccinations.
Titer testing can be costly, BUT, when you see the results of those tests and realize that your animal is so healthy, deeming the vaccinations unnecessary, you almost feel a pang of pain, thinking ‘what if I had given those shots??!! What harm may I have caused my animal?!’. How many more vet visits may there have been due to the effects of that? I had a pet owner, who is going on 13 years of not having vaccinated, due to results of a Titer testing!! Had she not done that, how many truly unnecessary vaccinations would that dog have received? The cost of a Titer test far outweighs in my opinion, the ramifications of what could be possible. I’ll include a link to an article about Titer Testing at the end
Next, is the food. We’ve been almost brainwashed into believing that ‘Grain Free’ food is what we need to have our animals being fed. Eliminate the grains, and we can get ahead of the ‘allergies’. This is SO far from being the ‘answer’. And the answer doesn’t lie within ‘grains’, it actually lies with ‘starch’.
There are 5 big No’s No’s in pet food. Corn, white rice, potato, wheat, and tapioca. These, are all starches. In the body, starches are converted to sugar, and sugar is converted to…YEAST!!! There, is the biggest culprit. The one behind all those terrible diseases and conditions. Autoimmune diseases are greatly brought on, and fed by yeast, as are the degenerative ones. The more we ‘feed’ that yeast with starchy foods, the worse the conditions and ailments become.
A big misconception also is ‘prescription’ foods. We tend to believe that because the vets sell these foods, they must be ‘good’. Sadly, this is not the case. If we take a look at the ingredients, they are filled with starches, and zero meat. There is also nothing ‘prescription’ about the ingredients, except the price. However, feeding an animal with auto immune issues a food full of yeast escalates the problem.
Dogs and cats are meat eaters. Carnivores. Like a wolf. If we put a dog or cat in a garden and lined up an ear of corn, a potato, rice, wheat, tapioca, and a rotten mouse. What do you think they would go for? Yes, the rotten mouse. The meat. Sustaining an animal on a starch-based diet would be like the equivalent of you as a human, only being able to eat tortilla chips for the rest of your life. How strong would your immune system be? How clean and strong are your teeth? There is zero nutritional value in such ’emptiness’, and for an animal; eventually, they are going to hit that ‘wall’ and their bodies will begin to encounter endless health issues. And then, off to the vet we go, enduring costly bills, with ‘band-aids’ on top of band-aids, never really getting to the ‘root’. Nutrition is where it has to begin. Simple Mother Nature.
The ‘band-aids’ when dealing with the autoimmune diseases, is often times steroids and antibiotics. These weaken the body yet even more. The antibiotics destroy more of the ‘good’ in the gut, and the steroids, they tell the body to ‘shut down’ and cause cellular death. So what may look like things are ‘better’, in reality, they aren’t. They are just being masked.
The approach I use is all 100% Mother Nature. Natural. Drug and med free. We want the body to be clean, pure and free of toxins that are hindering their ability to be strong again.
Getting Started: Providing Better Nutrition
To begin with is the food. Whether it be a quality kibble or a high-quality balanced raw, a nutritious/diet will be the very first step. Having a proper food is crucial, as we don’t want to keep ‘feeding’ the problems with a poor food source. If we don’t do so, we aren’t truly hitting the ‘reset’ button for our pets, which is what truly gives them the best chance at recovery. Recommended Foods
Using Nzymes®
Next, will be Nzymes. All Nzymes are, is a whole food source. A ‘live’ food supplement. Every piece of it is alive. When you give the body life, the first thing it does is eliminate all the toxins, free radicals, and yeast. As soon as that ‘detox’ happens, the recovery begins. (Even though we may not see it right away) The immune system begins to get stronger. Day by day, things will begin to get better. The more that yeast is ‘starved’ out of the body, the more the issues will begin to dissipate. (This is why we want to make sure there are no starches in the food to create that cycle of ‘good fighting against the bad) The vast array of what Nzymes are helpful for is endless. Shedding is one that it’s very helpful for, that’s one of the first things people notice. That, and energy in the animal.
Then, the next step is Ox-E-Drops. This creates alkalinity within the body. When the body is alkaline, virus’s, fungus’s, bacteria, and also yeast, have nowhere to go. There is nothing for them to continue to feed and thrive on. This then, in turn, boosts the immune system, and also the respiratory and digestive systems. Ox-E can also be made into a 2% topical solution (10 drops per ounce of water/1 teaspoon per every 8 ounces of water) – which then can be used externally for skin, eyes, and ears. It creates a very soothing spray, or you can use cotton balls to administer topically.
BlackLeaf Tincture. Helps with fungus growth and boosts the immune system. It also helps to increase blood flow, and the addition of cayenne helps as a ‘catalyst’ to push everything deeper into the body. I’d like to add, with the BlackLeaf, not only is this beneficial for skin issues; but also for antiparasitic and deworming. I use the BlackLeaf on all my animals from Spring(May) to Fall(October) as a natural heartworm prevention.
Bak Pak Plus. This is the digestive enzymes/probiotics. This is a MUST for obtaining and maintaining the ‘gut’ health. The gut is like the second ‘brain’ of the body, and if something like leaky gut is at play, as it so often is in these cases, then we need to restore that healthy flora. Usually, when working with allergy situations, I hold off on adding this until 4-6 weeks down the road, first giving the body the chance to strengthen itself before adding the Bak Pak in. Sometimes when adding in a digestive Enzyme can make the animal flare up more going through the ‘detox’, so if we can slow things down a bit, it’ll make it easier on the animal and us too!
Using Colloidal Silver
Then, I have also begun to use another natural supplement for these issues. Colloidal Silver. This is natures own antibiotic and doesn’t affect the ‘gut’ as regular antibiotics do. Colloidal Silver is absorbed into the body before it reaches the gut. There is not much that CS can’t help with. CS destroys all one-celled organisms within hours of being introduced to the body, (so things such as Lyme disease for example), cannot survive.
I have been using CS internally on all my animals for over three years now. Every day it is a part of their regimen. I have seen what the benefits of it are, and I use it confidently. I see it as another ‘tool’ to be able to bump up the immune system, whilst keeping diseases at bay. I have used it in the eyes, and ears and nose, and was stunned at the quick results I achieved. Using CS topically is also fantastic. It brings on a very rapid calming to skin that is irritated, red and hot. Between this and the Ox-E topical solution, you’ve got 2 great ‘tools’ to give the animal the much-needed relief.
I purchased my own generator to make my own colloidal silver. It is the biggest rip off in the supplement industry and is way overpriced. For the cost of what I paid for six 8 oz bottles of colloidal silver from a health food store, I bought a machine that I can make it myself, needing only distilled water and glass jars to make and store it in. What would cost hundreds of dollars to buy, you can make for pennies yourself.
But I use CS in about 95% of my cases. I’ve even given full CS baths to dogs with skin issues! It works tremendously.
Using Excel K9
And then finally; if needed, I have something called Excel K9 oil. It is made from Camelina oil. It has the Omegas and Vitamin E in it, along with pumpkin seed oil. I like using this for ‘allergies’ because if the animal is itching and scratching lots, it brings them a level of comfort. The omega oils in it are also greatly helpful for the skin and coat, and brain! ‘Feed the body, feed the mind’. I had been using a cannabis oil for pets for a number of years but found it to be becoming too costly, and I knew there must be something ‘better’ and more economical. This Excel K9 oil has gone above and beyond what the cannabis oil could do.
The very last thing I like to use for such cases, is Melatonin.
Very often, allergy/skin dogs will begin to develop a compulsive behavior so to speak, with their constant itching and picking and at themselves. They don’t know what else to do with themselves and it’s just become so ‘normal’ to them. Just like we as humans bite our nails or have silly little ‘quirks’ we let take over. The same thing happens to them, and they do it just because.
I started using Melatonin on dogs that I suspected had developed the compulsive behavior, and found tremendous success.
Melatonin has a number of benefits. It is the hormone that the pineal gland secretes. Not only does it allow the animal to have a more ‘relaxed’ state of mind, but it actually promotes hair growth!!! Melatonin helps with creating a ‘happy brain’, and this I have found very helpful with dogs dealing also with PTSD, or mental trauma from abusive situations they’ve endured. The ones who scratch and itch incessantly, it helps them to be calmer, not ‘at themselves’ all the time. It also doesn’t make them dopey or groggy, they sleep good, but wake up right away if needed.
I had found out by fluke, that the ‘side effect’ of Melatonin is that it grows fur! Well, that’s a win win when dealing with dogs who are losing their coats or have thinning hair!
The Melatonin I use comes from my local health food store. I won’t purchase supplements anywhere especially like Walmart, Costco, GNC, Walgreens, any of those big box chain stores. Their products are cheaply priced, because they are cheaply filled. They are not pure, and it scares me to know what the fillers and whatnot could do to my fur babies. ? I won’t take that chance. So I always recommend to get Melatonin from a mom and pop health food store. They come in a capsule or dissolvable tablet. Either kind is good. I just always tell people when buying the dissolvable kind, to make sure that there is not the ingredient Xylitol in there. Xylitol is a sugar substitute that is fatal for dogs. I’ve never been told that anyone has found one with the Xylitol in it, but I always want to warn about it just in case.
So, to sum it all up, I myself, don’t believe ‘allergies’ exist. Yeast however does. So-called ‘Allergies’ are brought on by many ‘triggers’, but in the end, it all boils down to the autoimmune response being fed by starches. The body being weak. The immune system not being able to do its ‘job’. This can all be turned around though; by just giving the body what it needs, along with Mother Nature, and the animals own will and spirit to persevere. It’s a simple fix, one that requires patience at times, but the light is there at the end of the tunnel. Nutrition; live nutrition, and keeping the body strong and at a proper PH balance, everything all begins to fall into place!
FOR REFERENCE – Titer Testing article:
Don’t Stop Believing
Mar 30, 2018
You have a great series of blogs. But I disagree with the there are no such thing as environmental allergies remark. Also I happen to know many that feed raw, or low glycemic homecooked supplement and their dogs are still a mess. It does have to do with the immune. More so if there is an allergy the dog will predispose to infection and yes. Many of the supplements you mention are indeed amazing and every dog is individual as to how they will respond. I am an advocate for all holistic but things like chemicals, vaccines being weaned from the mom too early and not having enough colostrum and being spayed neutered way way too early are huge factors in how much of a mess they are. A good diet and supplements can help, but for some it is a much longer road than others, and some in the end may still have to resort to a med here and there as well. Love your blogs.
Mar 30, 2018
Hi Lise!
Thank you so much for your comment! ?
But I do definitely believe in environmental factors, it’s the ‘seasonal’ that I don’t. Environmental I have experienced 100%, especially EMF. Shelby was EMF sensitive and it was a huge factor in her recovery. Since learning that with her, I have had many other dogs who also were also affected by it. So that is something I truly do believe exists.
But it is the ‘seasonal’ that I myself disagree with. The ups and the downs with the Spring and Fall flareups. The ‘warmth’ that brings them to the surface again, making the yeast within the body be pushed out, the cycles. Environmental though, I’m a believer through and through. ?
Thank you again for your comment Lise, I very much appreciate it. ?
Vickie Hancock
May 6, 2018
Hi, I am Vickie and I love the info I am getting from your articles! I operate a rescue from my home and am using Nzymes granules and Oxy drops orally and topically currently. Great product, but I have an American Staff that is itching periodically and his groin on both sides becomes raw. He was already on the apoquel and it worked for the first yr. but not now. I have doubled his dosage of the granules per the people at Nzymes and it is week 2 and getting much better. I have also just switched dog food (week one just done) and found more amazing people in Burt and Tracy Ward, ( he was Robin in the original batman series). Gentle giants is their brand of kibble and they make it. They also have a rescue of 55 dogs in their home and dogs living 20 plus years, happy and healthy. I want to try the colloidal silver. What dosage do you use when giving it? The black tincture you use for heart worm preventive, and I want to explore that, just need to know the amount and frequency when using. Thank you for all you do and have done. You are an amazing woman and so is your family. My 28 furkids and I thank you for your time.
May 14, 2018
Hi Vicki! ?
Wow you have 28 fur kids? I am so green with envy. I would love to be able to have that many animals. Maybe one day!? ?
For Mr Staffy. Which food of the Gentle Giants are you feeding? I went to their website to see their ingredients list, and seen they have two on there. One is a ‘chicken feast’ and one is a ‘salmon feast’. I don’t know if they have any more varieties, but those were the only two I came across.
The one that is my biggest concern is the salmon feast. To begin with, it lists salmon ‘meal’ as the first ingredient. ‘Meal’ is not actual meat. It can be a combination of SOO many things, many of which we as consumers would be shocked to learn the truths about. ? Do you have Netflix? If you do, I would highly recommend to watch the documentary called ‘Pet Fooled’. It is a big ‘eye opener’ to what goes on in the pet food world. And what they are passing off to us as pet owners, as being a ‘good’ and even ‘safe’ food and ingredients. Pet Fooled shows exactly ‘what’ is going into our pets foods, and after you’ve watched it, it’s almost consuming as it begins to ‘set in’, with what you just watched. I myself have watched it 6 times, and every time I still walk away from it with my head just spinning.
So, there are 5 big ‘No No’s’ in pet food. Corn, white rice, potato, wheat and tapioca. These, are all starches. In the body, starches are converted to sugar, and sugar is converted to…YEAST!!! There, is the biggest culprit. The one behind all those terrible diseases and conditions. Auto immune diseases are greatly brought on, and fed by yeast, as are the degenerative ones. The more we ‘feed’ that yeast with starchy foods, the worse the conditions and ailments become. Peas, can also be converted into a starch, if there is nothing like a lentil bean, or garbanzo bean to ‘offset’ it. If there are no beans included, that pea ingredients also going to become a yeast causing starch.
In the ‘salmon feast’, the second ingredient is whole dried potatoes, third is whole dried peas, and then fourth is tapioca. All starches. ? This would most certainly not be a ‘good’ food as there is not really any true ‘meat’ content, and the rest of the biggest ingredients are just going to ‘feed’ the yeast problem.
Once all starches are eliminated not only just in the food, but also treats and snacks too, then the body has a greater chance of a full recovery, starting with the yeast elimination. This can take months and months to finally happen fully, but it will happen. ?
As for the BlackLeaf and Colloidal silver, what are the weights of the dogs you are wanting to apply this to? As that is what it is all gauged by. If you could let me know that, then it’s easy to figure out. And the colloidal silver, are you purchasing silver or are you possibly planning on making it yourself? I make my own because it is so ridiculously expensive to keep buying. If that is something you may consider also, let me know and I can help you get set up with that, and also very reasonably priced. After the first gallon of colloidal silver you make, it has all paid for itself more than double. ?
The Apoquel. Sadly, this is one of the ‘scariest’ meds out there for me. I believe I lost one of my own dogs due to her having had been on it for years before she came to me. (Shelby). I’m going to include a link in regards to Apoquel and it explains why this drug is so awful. I wish they didn’t even prescribe it anymore. I’m sure they have the same information that we can find so easily online, and yet they still continue to recommend it. It breaks my heart. ?
Please let me know if you have any other questions, and we can tackle those when we do all the dosages for the BlackLeaf and silver. And, I’ll be curious to hear what you thought of Pet Fooled? ?
Thank you SOOOO much for all you do for these precious fur babies Vicki!! It makes my heart smile so big knowing there are people like you out there, also saving one by one. ?
Amy Rouse
May 3, 2021
Hi Vickie,
Our dog Memphis is having awful yeast issues since October 2020 and he’s still pretty bad. January he started nzymes, blackleaf tincture,
Colloidal silver,bovine colostrum, and he is better, but not as good as I would have hoped. Still no hair in some places. Hair on ears is still gone and elephant skin pretty bad. Eyes are goopy, and close shut a lot. Ears feel swollen and black gunk I have to clean out a lot. Can you tell me if him eating frozen boiled chicken with farm fresh raw eggs is ok dietwise. Any advice would be greatly appreciated to get my baby back to normal. Thank you, Amy
May 5, 2021
I really enjoyed our chat Amy. ❤️ You are an incredible soul, and I’m blessed to have ‘met’ you. ?
Vickie Hancock
May 14, 2018
Thank you for your time in helping me with the correct dosages regarding the black walnut tincture for heartworm preventive and the colloidal silver for my dogs and cats.
Beth pavlenkov
May 15, 2018
Hi dog has blackened skin..I have him on enzymes but want to try and move this forward faster. I read about yourcollodial silver that you showed but can’t find on the website. Can you give me this information. And any other info you can share to get him better
May 15, 2018
Hello Beth!
Here is the article about silver and has the links for you to get set up with doing your own also if you’d like.
May I ask which food your fur baby is on? And then from the Nzymes line, is it just the granules or are you doing the others also?
I have in the past year been also using CoEnzymeQ10 in skin/yeast/auto immune cases, and I’m finding that to be another really good ‘catalyst’ in these battles. ? It started off as a ‘what if’ and then showed me very quickly that this was also going to be a part of things going forward?
Please let me know if you have any further questions or need anything ok? ?
Vickie Hancock
May 17, 2018
This is Vickie and thank you for the info. I am using the chicken feast,not the salmon, so no potatoes or peas. I bought a silver machine from the website you suggested. I am making my own and using it for everything. My friend has Lupus among many other health issues so I gave her some and all the articles of info on it. I have dogs that range from 14 lbs, 16 lbs, 25 lbs, 30 lbs etc. all the way up to 125 lbs. I use a water filter system called zero water and have placed all on this water so no chlorine, I use the granules from Nzymes daily for all the dogs and the ox-e drops for myself and I give the staff one bowl with the ox-e in it with water and when that is gone I put the silver in the next water. I made a spray and have begun using it on his red spots and it is helping already. I also put the silver in half gallons and gallons of the zero water and fill all the water dishes with it, inside and outside bowls. I have guessed on the amount and put 20ml in the half gallon and 40 ml in the gallon. My cats get a teaspoon in their small water dish also. It is helping my snotty nosed cat already. I look forward to hearing from you with the correct dosages for the silver and the black walnut tincture. And to know how often you give the black walnut for heartworm preventive. Thank you for your time.
Vickie ps.. I don’t get netflix, sorry, I just use free TV with the box in my window.
May 22, 2018
Vickie, ? Can we maybe do a phone chat? I’d love to do that and that way we don’t have to keep writing novels back and forth? ?
If you want to talk in person instead, shoot me an email at with your phone number and when’s good to call you please? ?
Vickie Wallace
Mar 8, 2019
How would I dose the silver with 15 lb JRT? Red, terribly itchy. On the Nzymes program. Also, I cannot find the K9 oil on their website.
Mar 10, 2019
Hi Vickie,
I would do half an ounce at least. Possibly even bump it up to an ounce depending on if things don’t seem to be improving. And you can get the ExcelK9 oil here ?
Vickie Hancock
May 18, 2018
I also have a small chi min girl now on prozac for OCD behavior chewing herself. Is there and alternative to giving her this med? Thanks
Cindy Torbenson
May 18, 2018
Hi Brenda
Thanks so much for the information posted here. I contacted you in early February regarding my rescued pit bull with terrible skin and itching. I had him on a different supplement program but switched to the nzymes skin program. He has been on that along with the coq10 for 3 months. I added the Excel K-9 oil and the colloidal silver( bought the machine, thanks to your recommendation) about six weeks ago. Overall he is improving but still has terrible days or weeks. I guess I am looking for ‘moral support ‘ as when he is bad he can be so miserable ?
It was VERY HELPFUL to read and watch the video about Gunther and gives me hope. My Ziggy also sleeps most of the time ( at least he isn’t scratching then) he has his own wardrobe to help protect himself from the damage scratching.
I go between using coconut or vitamin E oil on his dry skin and wondering if it just clogs the pores and doesn’t help ( he doesn’t have much hair) Have you used anything to soothe the skin? Some days seems helpful other days seems like it doesn’t matter.
He also gets bathed twice weekly ( finally just ordered the ReliqPet to try) sprayed with the oxy-e spray or colloidal silver once or twice a day. He hates being sprayed ?.
He is on raw diet about 70% of the time and a no/ low starch kibble when I can’t give him raw.
At what point did you really begin to notice Gunther really starting to feel better and significantly reduce his itching?
It is especially frustrating as I work at a vet clinic and they think I am crazy and should just put him on Apoquel !
Any help or extra advice would be greatly appreciated.
May 22, 2018
Hello Cindy! It is good to hear from you again. I was wondering how things were going with Ziggy. I totally get how the ups and downs can be so tough on us. But I’m here for you. Always ?
Gunther, literally slept for 6 months. Short of eating, needing to go outside and making him go for walks, he just laid on our ottoman in the living room. No ‘life’ whatsoever. My husband had said to me many times ‘Don’t you think you should just throw in the towel and call his owners and let them come and get him and say their Goodbyes?’ Nope. Not a chance. As long as he was eating, drinking, and still had some ‘Go’, I wasn’t giving up. So it took 6 months, and then one day, he just literally ‘bounded’ up, and wanted to play. It was a ??? for us. But a very happy one!!! ? But you know what I found that made the difference? Well, at least what I think it was, was bumping him up to 3 Oz’s of silver a day. That’s what seemed to have made the drastic change. And I find that a lot. I wish I could go back and have redos for many animals, because what I wasn’t doing enough of, was the silver!!! To this day, over a year later, Gunther has been getting 4 Oz’s of silver, and he’s still doing fantastic!! They even take him in for blood work frequently just to make sure all is well, and there’s never anything that would indicate that he’s getting too much silver. So they are keeping on doing what they do to keep on getting what they get with Gunther. ? How much Silver is Ziggy getting a day? And how much does he weigh?
As for spraying the silver. Can you at all ask a hairdresser for one of their ‘mister’ bottles? I did a search on Amazon, and they are called ‘Hairdresser Hair Spray Mist Water Bottles’. For $14.99. That’s what I use. It comes out in a super fine mist, and the dogs don’t even know it’s coming at them, and it doesn’t make that dreaded squirt bottle sound. ? I would maybe suggest to get one of those and see if you can spray/mist Ziggy that way?
And then, do you have any Melatonin? Cause that would be something to also add in for Ziggy. It helps grow hair!!! And fast too! I found out about that totally by fluke. I was just using it to help a dog (Shelby) who was at herself so much (which was a compulsive behavior) to calm down. And it grew her hair!!! We can figure out how much to use for Ziggy if you’d like to try that once I know the weight. ?
Thank goodness you aren’t willing to do the Apoquel way. I really believe that’s why I lost my Shelby girl to cancer, because of the years and years of Apoquel use before she came to me. ? So the next time they want you to put Ziggy on it, share this with them. It is the one med that when I hear about animals being on it, I feel sick to my stomach. Like someone punched me.
And then, as for a lotion. I know there are so many out there, but the one that I use on all the dogs, is the same one we use for ourselves. It’s the best out there. Even clinically proven. Right here in Winnipeg a few years ago. They put it up against what was then the #1 lotion Eucerin, and Renew beat it by a long shot. You can get it from the company called Melaleuca. I do think that places like Amazon have it too? Just search ‘Renew Lotion’. That, is what I only use on ‘bad’ skin. It changes it almost instantly, especially if it’s super dry and crusty looking. I’ve even used the Renew body wash together with the Reliq and then followed with a colloidal silver rinse. I know it’s not a ‘pet lotion’ per say, but we’ve been only using that ourselves for over 17 years, so it made sense to use it for the dogs too? I don’t like coconut oil cause it’s so greasy. And when you have a yeasty dog, the coconut smell and yeast smell don’t jive very well. Well, at least for me I can’t stand the combined smell. ?
Please let me know if you have anymore questions, and if you can pass along Ziggy weight, we can get him going with Melatonin too, and watch the hair begin to grow. That’ll help him in that way, and also really settle down his brain a bit with the being miserable so much. ❤️ And maybe we can tweak the silver too. ?
Vickie Hancock
May 19, 2018
I am in the process of weaning my chi min off the prozac per the vet. She will be off of it in about 10 days. The vet recommended composure. Any thought on using this if she start the ocd behavior after going off the prozac?
BEth Pavlenkov
May 21, 2018
Hi Brenda, my Shitzi has a very bad case of blackened skin..I do have him on Nzymes but would like to know where I can dind the colloidal silver that you use..I live in Santa Rosa,ca and need your assistance.. Thank you
May 22, 2018
Hi Beth, ?
Here is some information about the colloidal silver, and also Everything on how you can get set up to make your own. ?
May I ask what food/snacks/treats you are feeding? And is your pup on any meds right now? Can you tell me more about your dog please? When it began? How old? Just anything you can tell me, even if it seems irrelevant, can be greatly helpful in putting the ‘pieces back together’. Even vaccine protocols and flea/heartworm/tick meds?
I’ll help you every step of the way if you’d like. ❤️
BEth Pavlenkov
May 21, 2018
I like reading about how you heal dogs back to dog is suffering a lot from the blackened skin yeast issue has a very bad case..any information you can provide for further relief would be wonderful
Vickie Hancock
May 23, 2018
I ordered some of the black tincture and bac pac from nzymes but need to know the dosage for heartworm preventive with the tincture. As I stated I have all different weights from 14 lbs,-125 lbs.. My staff is still getting raw groin areas , shoulders, between the toes. I spray him with the silver 3 times a day, give him oxe-drops and granules double dose. Help?? Thanks!
May 24, 2018
Hi Vickie!
For the BlackLeaf, to utilize it for the heartworm prevention, the amounts are the same as what the dosage chart shows. ? So for up to 30 pounds, it would be 6 drops a day, and for 30-80 pounds would be 14 drops a day and then for 80-150 pounds it would be 30 drops a day.
I feed my dogs once a day, and therefore do the BlackLeaf all in one, but if you feed twice a day, then those amounts can Be split in two.
Are you also needing anything for flea/tick/mosquito/flies? I use a product called Bug Off Garlic for my dogs. I’ve now been using that for 4 years and have not had any ticks on the dogs. I’ve had them on me, but not the dogs. ?
Vickie Hancock
May 25, 2018
Thank you so much for all your help. I hope I can afford to do the tincture with so many furkids but will try. Where do I find the bug off garlic? I will try to google it. The testimonies from people using just the colloidal silver state they don’t have flea issues when their animals are drinking the silver water and having it applied topically. I have one last question then will promise not to take up anymore of your time. What dosage of the silver do you suggest for the animals? Again thank you for your help and advice and I have enjoyed reading your precious stories. They are very helpful.
Cindy Torbenson
May 27, 2018
Brenda thanks so much for the additional advice. I have been adding the silver to the drinking water and some to his food but probably not enough so I will increase that.
I have also been using melatonin but mostly on his bad days as it can make him more sleepy ( a good thing when he is especially itchy ). He is about 65 lbs.
He actually is starting to have more days where he feels better so that encourages me but his bad itch days make me feel discouraged. I will look for the mist bottle- some of it is a little easier now that it is finally warm outside ( Minnesota) so I can just rinse him with the silver more often too.
I will look for the renew lotion as well.
I worry about the heat triggering him to get worse too but I guess just keep on keeping on, he is SUCH a sweet boy and only 3 years old but had such a rough beginning ?.
I thank you so much for the help and encouragement, my friends and family think I am crazy and keep asking about giving up- but hearing about your other cases makes me determined to continue to try to give him the best shot possible to get well. So thanks again for the information you make available
Vickie Hancock
Jun 6, 2018
Brenda, thanks for all your advice. It is greatly appreciated! I am going to just experiment with the silver and dosages and have all the nzyme products to use as needed. I will look for future articles from you to read. Thanks again for all you do!
Jun 6, 2018
Hi Vickie!!!
Oh I can’t wait to hear how things are going!! That’s what I’ve done too, just experimenting with different dosages, finding that perfect ‘fit’. I always feel so good when I find it. It’s rewarding. ?
I don’t know if you got my email, but I still need to call you! ? I’ve been working at getting ready for a Pet Expo and also company in from out of town. Things will be settled down on Thursday so if you are good for a chat, I can be all yours!! ?
Janet Henkelman
Jul 30, 2018
I’m at my wits end to stop the itching that my 17# Shih Tzu has. She is scratching and biting her feet and licking her Vulva constantly when she is awake. The only time that she doesn’t is when she sleeps. I feed her Raw Duck and she gets no treats. This has been ongoing since she had a cyst lanced on her tail and was given antibiotics and steroids one year ago. She is a very sweet dog and needs relief from this. She is on antibiotics now for ear infection. I give her Dr. Dobias GreenMin minerals & amino acids; SoulFood multi; his GutSense Probiotic and FeelGood Omega3. Please give me your recommendations. She deserves a better life. She is 9 1/2 years old and sleep a lot. Her appetite and elimination are both good. The only gets the Rabies 3 year shot. I give her Turkey/Sardine sometimes for variety also frozen.
Aug 2, 2018
Hi Janet,
Were you able to read the allergies/auto immune disease article on this page? Please let me know, as it sounds like your pups immune system was compromised after that procedure; and so that needs to be boosted back up. But it’s an easy ‘fix’, we just need to give her body the right tools now. ?
If you hadn’t seen this, here is the link for that particular article. And please email me if you need anymore information or have any questions. I will be more than happy to help Janet. ?
Jul 26, 2019
HI, Brenda – I have a 3 year old Westie and have had him on the Nzymes program since January. He continues to have ‘pimples’ all over but am concerned about the purple skin on is groin area and under his arm pits which isn’t going away but spreading. I just ordered the Excel 9 oil. I have Colodial Silver – how much should I give Noah? He is 19 pounds. He is also on Zignature food (duck and kangaroo). Any other advice you could give would be greatly appreciated.
Jul 27, 2019
Hi Andrea! ?
Could you please email me? I would love to see some pictures of these ‘purple’ areas? I don’t think we can add pictures onto here, so email may be best. My email is and then I can also tell you the dosages for everything also. ?