Dodger Fights for Life, with Severe Fungal Infection
Breed: Border Collie & Labrador Mix Age: 6
Dodger has been fighting for his life in a battle with blastomycosis for 3 years.
We have a cabin near Kenora, Ontario and this area is known to have fungus in the rotting wood and soil; and this is where Dodger was infected. We spent approximately $12,000 (Canadian) on anti-fungal medication, which worked for a year. In that time it had spread into one of his eyes, and we had to remove the eye and hope it didn’t spread into his brain. We gave it a full year of the medication but once he came off the medication he became sick again. After about 6 months, an x-ray confirmed our suspicion. He was dying of the lung disease.
Kristine had heard of a product from a family friend and convinced me to let Dodger try it as a last resort.
Dodger started taking N’ZYMES Sprouted Granules (antioxidant support), Ox-E-Drops and Black-Leaf drops. Within a month he was back to playing, barking and going for walks.
He seems to have fully recovered/in remission from blastomycosis using the above 3 N’ZYMES products. We cannot thank Brenda, or these N’ZYMES products enough for helping to return our cherished dog Dodger back to us after a dangerous fight with blastomycosis.
Thank you Brenda!
Kristine and Dan
IF you are in USA and Seeking NZYMES Products, please go Directly to the NZYMES Website or call them directly – 877-816-6500
Shelly myogeto
Nov 17, 2017
My dog either has blastomycosis or aspirgilliosis.. ( vet recommended not paying for fungal test since her remedy would be the same either way) she only prescribes ketaconazole as she is not familiar with newer anti fungal drugs. He has gotten much worse since i began administering these a week ago. Im looking for help..i dont want to lose my boy but im a single woman working 2 part time minimum wage jobs. Do you think this would help my boy be happy and healthy again?
Nov 17, 2017
Hi Shelly! I’m so sorry to hear about your poor boy having to go through this. ? I would definitely recommend getting the same products for him as what we used for Dodger. I’ve also since, started using colloidal silver for Blasto/type illnesses also, and it accelerates everything, as it too helps destroy funguses and bacteria’s. It’s also great to use topically, and for the eyes and ears. If you’d like to know more about that, let me know your email address and I can send you information. ?
Doing his ‘care’ using the Nzymes would for sure be of the best help for your boy. And it won’t break the bank, and you’ll have lots to last you a long while.
Please let me know if you need any further help, I’d be more than happy to help you in this journey. ? How old is your dog? And did this just arise this year/recently?
Cheryl Vinson
May 23, 2018
I have had my Kitta 2 vets and 4 wks later 4 different antibiotics and a fungal eye cream and no results I’ve said all along this is what I thought was wrong with her how much does this med cost ?
May 24, 2018
Hi Cheryl,
To begin with, what food is your fur baby on? As that is always the ‘start’ of the process to help their bodies rid out the ‘yeast’ which feeds these conditions greatly.
Have you seen this article? As this would be very helpful for getting started.
And then for the products to help, I’d recommend to get the Healthy Skin Kit, as everything you need is in there. This is the link to that. You’ll be looking at just a little bit over $100 for it all, but everything will go a long ways. ?
Oct 18, 2019
Hello Brenda
My 16 month borger collie shepard has blasto. I was wondering can she take these supplements while on the sporanox med. Also how much collidial silver would you give.She is 17.4 kg and losing weight because she wont eat unless i syringe or spoon fed. Thanks any advice would be helpful.
Oct 22, 2019
Hi Sharon!!! ?
You certainly can use the Nzymes products while on the meds. However, it is best to pick one or the other. Using western meds and the Nzymes regimen together can create a battle between the two, one always trying to cancel the other out. With the Nzymes regimen; it’s going to be something you continue forever. Any Blasto dogs(and people) I’ve worked with, have not ever stopped. Keep using them for life. It’s a good thing though too because then it is a continuous protection of it ever being picked up again. But, the Nzymes regimen is able to eliminate the Blasto, so it’s a good thing going forward to keep the body strong. ?
As for CS, for her weight, I would do one ounce a day, also directly into her food.
Have you ever tried raw food? I wonder if that might not be an enticement for her to eat? They absorb 90% of the nutrition from a raw diet, so this would be a win win for her? ? I’m a ‘raw abiding citizen’ ? and see the benefits of a raw diet every day. It may be an idea? She may also be feeling very icky due to the sporanox and not have an appetite due to that?
Please let me know if I can be of any further help. And if you would like a phone chat, we can do that too! ?
Dixie Runberg
Jan 30, 2021
Hi Brenda, we have a14 month old male laberdoodle who got blastomycosis last August. After many trips to vet and alot of money. He is on fluconazole 300mg medication for 5 months. He has been suffering with severe neck pain and crying through the night. We can’t afford any more major vet bills. It breaks my heart that I just don’t know what to do. I seen a few posts on here of others stories. I’m going to try these suggestions and I pray it helps him. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Feb 2, 2021
Hi Dixie,
I’m so sorry to hear about your boy. ? I know this is such an awful disease, and takes a terrible toll on the body. Him being so young, is a good thing though, as he’s strong and has youth on his side. Please know, there is so much Hope for him. ❤️
Do you want to have a chat on the phone? I’d love to talk to you about this, and even if anything, just for you to have someone on your side, who understands what you are going through, and to be able to hopefully not have it feel like it is so grim. And then, you’ve got me in your back pocket for anything that may arise or come up, and we can avoid some more costly vet trips and meds, which truly only cover up the symptoms for a short time. Let’s hit his reset button and give his body the right tools to overcome this for good. ?
If you’d like, give me a call at 1-877-816-6500. As soon as it picks up, just dial in 3238. That’ll get you directly through to my line. And, if you can text Canadian numbers, my cell is 204-955-7111. Shoot me a text and if I’m free, we can have a chat. ?
Thank you for reaching out Dixie, and please know, there truly is a lot of Hope for him.
Mar 1, 2021
Hi Brenda, In my k9 swim therapy biz I constantly recommended the N’zymes products for dogs health and wellness with some great overall health results. I remember long conversations yrs ago with Mike before he was a believer in the raw diet which I was passionate about for decades. Now I have a 1 ish yr old Pit with a dx of Blasto. While I have fed a raw diet for going on 30 yrs and teaching others to do the same I have currently switched my boy to a cooked diet as his immune system is obviously not in good shape due to Blasto and I don’t want to introduce anymore bacteria that will further compromise his immune system now. I don’t do any vaccinations,I use homeopathy, nutrition, herbals and tinctures to treat animals in my care but this disease is serious and I have him on the number one DVM recommended med called Itraconazole for both animals and ppl with the disease. I just ordered the pro Bac and the granule enzymes and the Ox e drops. While I know the importance of Alkaline vs acidic the Itraconazole needs an acidic environment to work and be beneficial in this fight with Blasto. Seems opposite of what I understand and have practiced for years.
Itraconazole is slowly but well absorbed after oral administration with peak concentrations reached in approximately 4 h. Absorption is enhanced in the presence of food and in acidic intragasic environment. Itraconazole is metabolized, mainly via oxidative pathways, to inactive metabolites which are excreted via bile and urine.
Some who visit this site may have their dogs on Itraconazole and using the Black Leaf drops may not be the best recommendation as if I understand correctly it works to create an alkaline environment in the dogs system. Once my dog is off of the prescribed meds I would consider getting his system back to a healthy alkaline state. It is really hard to find quality info about Blasto in dogs and especially any followup videos or stories after the diagnosis and the journey. Just short bleeps here and there. Do you know if Dodger relapsed or did he remain Blasto free? I am low tech but am considering starting a Blasto blog to log my dogs story and outcome for others to read. Thanks for Dodgers short story…would love any follow up on him.
Mar 8, 2021
Just checking back in to see if you had any Dodger updates?
The Blasto once treated with conventional drugs often lies dormant for months and even many years before it pops it’s ugly head and hits the dog full out and full one once again.
Any thoughts appreciated.
Mar 9, 2021
Hi Tonita!
Dodger is still doing fantastic! He’s now 10, and still plays like a puppy, and is very vocal also. ? He continues to remain healthy, and has not had any set backs or reoccurrences of the Blasto coming back. ? There will soon be another story on my page about another pup who just kicked blasto out also. He was in a dire situation and there seemed to be no Hope for him. ? But he’s doing amazing and has defied all the odds against him. I’ll be publishing Buddys story soon. ❤️
Mar 19, 2021
Thanks for the feedback Brenda. Is Dodger your dog? Nice to hear he is doing well in his senior years and has not relapsed. Looking forward to hearing about Buddy also. My dog is going into his 4 mo on Itraconazole. He also eats a high quality cooked diet and I give him several doses of CS daily as well as the pro bac, Nzymes granules, and the Oxy drops diluted and made into a spray. I mist his horrible and VERY large lesions several times a day with the the diluted Oxy drops as well as CS. His nose area is in a lot of pain and he hates to be touched near his nostrils. He yelps if my other dogs tail even brushes up against his face area. Again, I am not currently using the oxy drops internally because it would minimize the effect of the Itraconazole that works in a acidic state. Yet,I do realize the Oxy drops topically will absorb into his system, but not as much as administering them orally. My question is – Was Dodger ever on any DVM prescribed meds such as Itraconazole? Or, was he only on CS and nutritional supplements such as the Nzyme products? My dog has put on a pound or so which is rare for dogs with Blasto, especially being treated with pharma meds which tend to make him sleep up to 23 hrs a day. There are some days when he refuses to eat one of his two daily meals. His lesions are HUGE, covering large areas of his forehead (mostly) with smaller ones over the rest of his body. Thankfully my DVM does not add assault to my dogs body by prescribing antibiotics to deal with his nasty large oozing and bleeding ulcer type lesions. My DVM’s own dog is a Blasto survivor but she did loose her one eye from this disease. I bathe my boy with an anti fungal wash and remove the scabs (DVM recommended)which exposes what looks like raw hamburger meat. Then he is misted with the Oxy drops and Colloidal Silver. Sigh- He appears to be in a healing crisis which appears as him getting worse before he hopefully gets better. He does not look to be in good shape currently (about 4 months into his dx of Blasto) and it is definitely hard to see him like this. About 2x a month he will get his baby and want to play fetch for a few minutes, but the rest of his life is me catering to his every need, short daily walks and TONS of sleep. He looks miserable and it is so upsetting to be in the 4th month of medical treatment and not see more improvement. Lesions are still popping up here and there on his body. I am including this huge comment to share info with other k9 owners trying to help their fur kids. I will keep you updated and hope I soon have some better news for my boy Kismet. I am going to call my DVM today and ask him where we go from here and when or if Kismet will need have more blood work done to see just where were at with this Blasto. While I have been treating myself and animals on a holistic level for many decades now, every once in awhile I do realize the need for a different type of allopathic intervention, hence: the intraconazole meds. I am a bit nervous to pull him off and go totally holistic at this point. Yet, I know his body needs deep healing, not just a band aid. Any feedback is greatly appreciated Brenda. Thanks and many blessings.
Mar 24, 2021
Hi Tonita! ?
No, Dodger is not my own dog, he belongs to my friend Kristine. ? And as for the meds he was on, I could not say for sure, as that’s something I’d need to find out from Kristine, but my guess would be that yes he was also on the Itraconazole. I know that it had cost them a tremendous amount of money($12,000 Canadian) with the meds they were using on him, and getting nowhere. It was reoccurrences of his Blasto even on the meds, which almost cost him his life. They didn’t work. Which sadly, all to often, is the case. The greatest success I’ve ever seen and experienced with any Blasto case, is completely only on the Nzymes regimen. The granules, OxE drops and Blackleaf. However since I first worked with Dodger, I have started with using colloidal silver also as a part of the regimen. It really sparks it up, and kicks the repair and recovery process into a whole new level. It’s a must in my world. ? But it is really important to use them all, as they all have their own ‘role’ to play in the eradication of the disease.
You mentioned you were using colloidal silver too, may I ask how much you are giving Kismet? Eventually Tonita, this is going to have to come down to a choice for you, one that feels right in your heart, of which way you want to choose to ‘attack’ this disease so to speak. It has to be one way or another. Doing the two together, creates a ‘war’ between the two. They are both doing their own things, in their own ways, and all it ends up doing is constantly one canceling the other out, never giving the Nzymes regimen a chance to fill to its full potential, and I’ve seen the tragic heartbreak from that a few too many times. ? I know the huge benefit of the OxE being used internally to help destroy the disease, it plays a big role, and I’m sad to hear you aren’t able to use it to it’s full potential. So it is something that you will have to decide on, to be all in on one or the other. Regardless of which way you choose, it is something that you have to feel right to you to go with. I most certainly would never tell you what to do, but I can give you my complete honesty with my experiences, and then leave that with you. I want to see Kismet get better and have many many more years ahead of him. ?
I’m going to reach out to Buddy’s Mom and see if she might be able to give you some insight also as to what she has all endured, and where things are at with him now. It’s remarkable. She just recently had him retested, and his numbers had dropped so significantly since she’d went all in on only the Nzymes regimen, that it was clear as day, what had caused that huge improvement for him. She sees and lives it every day, and was at a point where the meds were not helping Buddy, and he was getting worse. But I’d love to bring her in on this. Someone who knows exactly what you are going through right now. ?
Dixie Runberg
Mar 25, 2021
Hi Tonita, I want you to know I know what your going through. Buddy our 16 month old laberdoodle got blastomycosis whule camping at a river in Augustb2020. After many trips to vet and $3900.00.
I came across Nzymes and alot of help from Brenda. After two weeks of giving him everything Dodger( on this post) our dog Buddy did an amazing turn around. Took him to vet a week ago and he went from, 3.6 Blastomycosis test to a .2 in 3 months. While only on Nzymes for two weeks!! I truly believe that all the help and Nzymes, black leaf oil and oxygen drops. Also gave him Collidal Silver as it fight fugal infection. I know the medication helped some, I quit the medication now and just giving him the 3 things Dodger was taken. The medication was making him seem worse with him waking up crying from pain in neck from the blastomycosis.I was told by the vet I needed to continue the medication for two more months,then retest for another $200.00. Then keep him on medication for another 3 months after that. I wasn’t going to keep Buddy on medication for any longer as the medication can cause problems with kidneys. The vet also stated that blastomycosis test doesn’t pick up 0! He’s at .2 so why continue the medication that wasn’t fully helping him like the Nzymes did. My advise to you is quit the medication and start using the 3 things listed from Dogers post. Your dog will turn around. I can’t stress enough that Vets truly just want your money. I’ve done alot of research on Blastomycosis and the best thing for our pets is the Nzymes. Here to support you. Please know that I have been were your at and Brenda is amazing and will also help you through what you need to do.
Dixie Runberg
Mar 24, 2021
Hi Tonita, I want you to know I know what your going through. Buddy our 16 month old laberdoodle got blastomycosis whule camping at a river in Augustb2020. After many trips to vet and $3900.00.
I came across Nzymes and alot of help from Brenda. After two weeks of giving him everything Dodger( on this post) our dog Buddy did an amazing turn around. Took him to vet a week ago and he went from, 3.6 Blastomycosis test to a .2 in 3 months. While only on Nzymes for two weeks!! I truly believe that all the help and Nzymes, black leaf oil and oxygen drops. Also gave him Collidal Silver as it fight fugal infection. I know the medication helped some, I quit the medication now and just giving him the 3 things Dodger was taken. The medication was making him seem worse with him waking up crying from pain in neck from the blastomycosis.I was told by the vet I needed to continue the medication for two more months,then retest for another $200.00. Then keep him on medication for another 3 months after that. I wasn’t going to keep Buddy on medication for any longer as the medication can cause problems with kidneys. The vet also stated that blastomycosis test doesn’t pick up 0! He’s at .2 so why continue the medication that wasn’t fully helping him like the Nzymes did. My advise to you is quit the medication and start using the 3 things listed from Dogers post. Your dog will turn around. I can’t stress enough that Vets truly just want your money. I’ve done alot of research on Blastomycosis and the best thing for our pets is the Nzymes. Here to support you. Please know that I have been were your at and Brenda is amazing and will also help you through what you need to do.
Dixie Runberg
Mar 25, 2021
I also want to say give the CS in his food or orally. Dont spray anything on him as I feel it will make it worse. You Vet tells you to take the scabs off. I would leave them to heal. What I’ve learned is Vets don’t know everything. Only to cost you alot of money and return visits. Belive in your heart and go with everything Brenda advises you. I can promise you you will see a huge difference and you’ll see a huge difference. I was so scared to quit the medication but after we did he is 100% better. The medication after 6 months of Itronizale was literally not helping him. Very little. So happy I found Brenda and Nzymes. You can contact me through Brenda if you ever want to talk. Here for you!