Additional Help with Dogs Paralyzed, Degenerative Back Problems, Etc.
I first came across this device/system 3 years ago when Bella experienced her second paralysis (at 8 days in). Just click the image (below) to see a larger view if desired.
After a 10 minute session, by running the laser in small circles up and down her spine, from between the shoulder blades down to the sacrum, base of the tail, all her muscles began to twitch and she wagged her tail for the first time.
I know some would say ‘this won’t work and you need to spend hundreds of dollars for professional treatment’, I strongly disagree. Due to my own successes with my own 2 paralysis dogs, and too many others to count, I know this DOES work, and I do not see the need to spend exuberant amounts of money to get the same results. This unit is effective and fairly inexpensive.
To purchase laser pointer system, CLICK HERE
To learn more about Cold-laser therapy, CLICK HERE
Best Wishes,
Brenda Johnson
Lori Blevins
Nov 1, 2019
Thank you for this information. The link to the light is not working. Will you please provide to me the name of the laser?
Nov 1, 2019
Hi Lori!
Thank you for pointing that out. It appears the link was broken, and that has now been fixed. You should be able to see it now. ?
Nov 15, 2019
Just purchased one myself. Thank you for the link!
Aug 12, 2020
I was unable to get to the link as well. Can you give me the information for my goldendoodle. His hind legs are paralyzed.
Aug 13, 2020
I’m so sorry that the link is gone, it seems that every time we update it, it changes again. So, a much easier solution to find them is Amazon. Search for 5mw laser pointer I’m in Canada and I wish I could take a screen shot of my Amazon here, as there are many, exactly like the one I had on the page. Some are red and some are green. I have both, and I cannot say that one is better over the other. ? Hopefully this helps. And if you need anything, I’m here to help. Anytime. ?
Brenda Pawell
Jul 18, 2021
Brenda, I am looking at the lasers for my dog and there are so many! Could you give me the info on the one you are using that is giving you good results.I am using all the other recomendations you have given for my 14.5 yr old GS+ a few other supplements. She’s really slowing down with legs getting weaker. I have given her a few laser treatments from my vet and his laser is getting repaired. If I can help her at home, I will with my own. Any info would be welcomed along with how to use.Thank you so much for all your help! Brenda Pawell
Jul 20, 2021
As per our conversation Brenda, ? let me know if you have any difficulty finding the laser and I can send you the links to ones on Amazon.
Lynn Valentino
May 13, 2022
Hi, I appreciate your information. I have spooky 2 frequency generators, along with cold lasers and PEMF. The information I need is how long is each treatment, what Frequency level? I am aware you sell a different product. For the sake of the dog I hope you can guide me. Lynn
May 13, 2022
Hi Lynn,
I don’t sell those lasers, they are just the ones I use myself. And with those, I always run them along the spine or affected area in circles for about 15-20 minutes. And, daily. But in regards to the ones you have, I’m not certain how long the sessions would need to be, or what their wave length is. However, I would think that there would Information about such online, possibly even on those companies webpages? Somewhere somebody has to have an answer to that? If you can’t find anything, let me know and I’ll see if I can find out. ?