It’s Crazy how much my dog has Responded to them.
Hello. I just wanted to share our story with you. These are pictures of our 8-year-old Rottweiler Allie that we adopted a couple years ago. She came to us as a “free adoption” because nobody wanted her because she had severe hip dysplasia. You may not see it in the pictures, but Allie has very little use of her back legs. She has had good days & bad ones. Her good days were OK for the most part, but her bad days (with Chicago weather) were the worst I had seen in a dog – she could barely stand up some days and overall she just seemed miserable. We tried everything to help her… Rimadyl, Gabapentin, Tramadol, Cosequin, Dasuquin, – the list went on and on and our vet only confirmed things more when he saw her x-rays and told us to immediately buy a wheelchair & he started her on heavy prescriptions to keep her comfortable but they only turned her into a zombie. My husband and I had been talking about her quality of life & that maybe it was time to say goodbye to her.
Then I saw something on Facebook about NZYMES® and, out of the blue, I ordered it (in all honesty, I didn’t think Nzymes would make a difference since nothing else had).
All I can say is that we have seen a world of difference in this dog that I was contemplating saying goodbye to last fall because she was so miserable. She is now SO much happier and much more active and oh my gosh so much more feisty! Obviously she doesn’t run around but she does seem very happy and she still rips apart an occasional toy every so often. She is the ruler of our home and the ruler of our much younger, much stronger other dog too.
I am so grateful that I tried NZYMES® and that we never gave up on her, all because I read a review similar to the one I am writing now. Both of our dogs are currently on NZYMES® and I honestly don’t know what I would have done had I not tried this product. Anyone who has questions, please email me or contact me. Please believe the great reviews you read when you see Nzymes’ Facebook page – I really did have the most incredible luck with this product!!!