Bohdi, on Death’s Door, in Need of Caring Help.
From The Heart of the Matter, by Brenda L Johnson.
‘Mom you have to Fix him!’ my 3 children said when we learned of a 6 year old Border Collie abandoned and left dying in a country ditch in the summer of 2014. He had been emaciated and covered in burrs and ticks. He had been placed with Hulls Haven Border Collie rescue. Nobody wanted him. His diagnosis was: congestive heart failure due to Dilated Cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart), a level 6 heart murmur, and Stage 4/strong Lyme disease. The right side of his heart wasn’t even functioning. He needed a ‘Forever Foster Home’, to live out his last days. It appeared Bohdi was on deaths door.
Bohdi had been found by an incredible man, who did everything to find his previous owner, but to no avail. Between him and his parents, they were going to try and keep him, and brought him in to be neutered. It was when they brought Bohdi into the vet, that his grim diagnosis was made. No Hope, he was very sick. ‘Let him live his last days comfortably’ was what the 3 vets, who deemed him the worst case they’d ever seen, were saying.
Now began the questions from friends and family. “Why would you take in a dog who’s just going to die?” is what I was asked repeatedly. ‘Why would you traumatize your children with a dying dog?’ I repeatedly heard. Well, my family is a ‘Team’. We do everything together, and we all sat down as a family to discuss taking Bohdi in. My children have seen many incredible transformations over the years, and they wanted me to ‘fix him’. Even though we knew he had very little time, the least we could do is give him the best last days of his life. I didn’t know if I could save him, as it seemed so ‘hopeless’. But I HAD to try?!
When we met Bohdi, we were immediately drawn in by his soulful brown eyes. It was as if he could see right through you! He was dying though. He was weak, lethargic and could only pant continuously. Every minute, we knew could be his last. He could barely walk, and just plodded along. He had no ‘life’ in him. No happiness, no tail wagging. Oh how I wished he would wag his tail.
I knew that the medications he arrived with, I was going to stop. He was in palliative state and I wanted to try and draw him out of that.
I immediately started an all-natural support program for his immune system. Colloidal silver (natural antibiotic), an immune boosting ‘live’ food supplement called NZYMES®, high antibody colostrum and a cardiomyopathy regimen of natural supplement products specifically for dogs. Due to the fluids in his chest cavity, a natural diuretic was
also used. A raw diet was also very important in improving his health and consisted of raw chicken, beef, salmon and turkey.
He immediately took to my Mexican Bambi, and they formed an amazing bond. We called her his ‘cow’. Being a herding dog, Bohdi ‘worked’ her day and night, and she was completely oblivious to the fact that he was on her all the time. She started teaching him to play with toys; something that we could tell he’d never done before.
Day by day, Bohdi got stronger and began to thrive. His panting stopped, and there were no indications of being in pain or duress. We were watching him come to life! He ran, he played… he was ALIVE! His heart was getting a heartbeat, not an individual thump as it had been. Due to the right side of his heart not functioning, a heart beat had not been there. Had we truly saved him? He hadn’t been expected to live more than days, now it was months later.
I wanted to have Bohdi retested at 3 months to see what effect my natural regimen had done for his heart and Lyme Disease. It was uncommon to retest so soon, however Bohdi was a special case. Dogs will still tend to show positive or false positives for Lyme disease many months to years down the road, it seemed silly to test again so soon. But, nobody had done it ‘this way’ before, and my anticipation was getting the better of me. I HAD to know!
I booked his checkup appointment. We were ecstatic to find out that his Lyme disease was gone! His blood results were ALL negative now. There was zero indication of Lyme. His heart, although still large, was able to function better now as all the fluids surrounding his organs had dissipated. The Vet deemed Bohdi to have ‘gotten better’, whereas dogs with his condition are usually just ‘managed’ until death. It was the best news we could have received. Dogs with his heart condition have 6 months to 2 years in a best-case scenario, according to the vets. We got Bohdi in a palliative care state, and he was getting BETTER?! Scientifically, this is supposed to be an impossibility. Nobody could believe that this was the same dog we’d gotten just months ago.
A second scientific impossibility, was being able to have Bohdi neutered. Not possible in an animal with his heart condition. But, at his 1 year checkup, the vet said he was hardily able to detect his heart murmur, and that he believed Bohdi to be strong enough to handle the surgery. In November of 2015, Bohdi flew through his surgery to be neutered!!
Today, over 4+ years later, Bohdi continues to flourish in becoming the dog he deserved to be. He has so much energy, and plays like crazy. The ‘joyfulness’ and happiness in him is very rewarding to see. He runs for 2-3 miles a day, and is the smartest and most obedient dog we’ve ever met. He loves going for truck rides, and must be with me everywhere I go. In 2015, I introduced him to the Winnipeg Speedway, and was amazed at his ‘love’ for all the race cars and trucks. Never has a dog done what he has done. It’s as if he is ‘herding’ all the racers. He’s become a staple there, and welcomed into Jamie Vernaus and Dynasty Bathrooms ‘Pet Crew’. Last year he adorned the hood of Jamie’s Super Truck, this year he is also. Alongside his fur brothers and sisters *Beanut (my rescued Dachshund), Bella (my Pomeranian Mix), and Chihuahua friend, Pancho. He also has a solo debut on the tail gate of the truck.
In October of 2017, I took Bohdi to a different vet. One who had no idea of his previous history, nor that he had been on deaths door. I had requested his file to be sent over from his old vet. During his heart exam, I asked her if it sounded like a mess in there. she said “No?”
I then told her about conditions he had suffered from just over 3 years ago. She couldn’t believe it! I then told her about having had Bohdi’s files sent over, and she pulled them up. This was the first time I myself had seen them. As she scrolled through the pages of his diagnoses and test results, I couldn’t believe how BAD it had really been!! His heart murmur had been a SIX! And now? She said if she had to put a number on it, it would be a ONE! However it was more in between a zero and one if anything. Everything that was in that file, indicating his imminent death just three years ago, was now all completely GONE! She said that dogs with this condition do not go forward, they only go backwards. She was quite amazed. As was I!!! We really DID fix a broken heart!
October 6, 2020- Bohdi is still with us and doing fantastic. We acquired a new Minuet breed kitten this year, and he’s in love! ? He never lets that cat out of his sight, and will sit for hours watching him sleep. They’ve become best buds. He continues to amaze us every day, which each day is a gift with him. Back in 2014 my husband and I often spoke of ‘can you imagine if he’s still alive 3 months, 6 months, or even a year from now?’ And here we are, 6 YEARS later! A true miracle.
CLICK HERE: See Bohdi in Action; Running is His Daily Routine
We were proud to take in a ‘dying’ dog, with much love and effort, we are now prouder to have a dog who is ‘living’ and very much alive. We hope to have many years with him as a part of our family. The dog that nobody wanted. The dog with the broken big heart, who truly showed us, ‘Don’t Stop Believing’. ❤
If you have interest in learning more about Bohdi and his FULL STORY, you can now review my full online Video Interview on Bohdi, using the following LINK – CLICK HERE
Brenda Johnson
Davyn’s Vitality
Holistic Health Consultant
Winnipeg, Manitoba CANADA
MORE: The Bohdi-in-Action Link above allows you to see how healthy Bohdi is these days – with his daily routine of running. You might also enjoy seeing Bohdi in this short video – reacting to the possibility of another of his favorite things: going to the lake.
*BEANUT is another ‘rescue’ of sorts – that I took in because the owners could not continue to support his needs tied to his Paralysis situation. We took him in, and with the same program used with my Bella, he is walking and getting around just fine. The Video below shows the ‘homecoming’ of little Beanut – with an Interview on CTV News in Canada.
Jill Beaton
Aug 8, 2017
Hi Brenda,
Please can you tell me what natural supplements you used in your cardiomyopathy regime?
Brenda J
Aug 8, 2017
Hi Jill! ?
I used: daily
1000 mg L-Carnitine
200 mg of CoEnzyme Q10
1000 mg of Taurine
1 scoop of Creatine
1 natural diuretic pill
These products I purchased at a Health Food store. (Not Walmart, Costco, GNC, Walgreens-big box stores) I only ever purchase at a true ‘mom and pop’ type health food store as then you are guaranteed purity. Yes, it will cost more but you are then getting true ingredients and not fillers and other unknown additives.
For Nzymes products daily I used…
2 teaspoons of Nzymes granules
8 drops of OxE drops
15 BlackLeaf Drops
1/2 scoop Bak Pak
This was part of his regimen each day. At the time he was 45 pounds, and now is up to 65 but I’ve kept all the amounts the same.
I also was giving him 1 oz a day of colloidal silver and 500 mg of colostrum. Those were to help towards eradicating his Lyme disease. He still gets 1/2 an ounce of silver a day but no longer colostrum.
He is still doing fantastic today, and we are almost on the cusp of 3 years since we got him, and still running miles a day, and never stops. Very full of life and vigor. ?
Oct 24, 2017
My question may be a strange one but as I listen to you speak about eradicating his Lyme Disease, I can’t help but wonder what it would do for a person suffering from the same disease, could it help in their case? In which case would be amazing!!
Brenda J
Oct 24, 2017
Absolutely!! ? I too suffered the same disease…
Jan 22, 2018
Hi Brenda,
An amazing story about Bohdi. Can you give me some details on the raw food diet you feed Bohdi? Our family is dealing with the same issue of an enlarged heart with our sweet Mia a Yorkie. Thank you!
Jan 23, 2018
Hi Peter!
I use a food called Mountain Dog Food, it comes from Edmonton, AB. It is my #1 pick for raw food here in Canada. In the US, the best one is Stella and Chewey, in my opinion.
Premade raw comes with everything they need in it, meat, fruits, veggies and organ meat. A full ‘balanced’ diet.
You can also do it all yourself; and there’s many recipes available online to help. I prefer the premade though, I don’t know where I’d find the time to make it myself. ?
Has Mia just been diagnosed with Cardiomopathy? I know it can seem so bad, but there definitely is a way to fix a broken heart. ?
Jan 26, 2018
Hi Brenda,
Yes, Mia just did get diagnosed with Cardiomyopathy. We have gone out and purchased all things you listed above and we just got our Nzymes today. We plan on starting everything tomorrow morning.
Right now we use SmallBatch Raw Dogfood for Mia. Do you have any experience with them?
Do you have any advice or instructions for us to use? We would really appreciate it.
Jan 27, 2018
Hi Peter,
Would you like to have a chat on the phone? I’d gladly speak with you and get everything figured out.
If you want, send me an email at with your number and I’ll call you. ?
jim belleard
Feb 6, 2018
Brenda ,I just lost my sheppard to d.m. . if I saw your post early . o would have tried it. she was at most ,on a scale of 1 to 10 .about a nine .and struggleing. if you could .I would love to speak with you. on your success with d.m. in dogs. my name is Jim Belleard. I can be reached at 518-424-4444. I would love to save as many as I could ,after watching my best friend go threw such a terrible ordeal.
Feb 6, 2018
Hi Jim!
I will try to give you a call today? I’m away on vacation but am still ‘here’. It will show a vegas number when I call. ?
Mar 20, 2018
My yorkie is in heart failure grade 4, vet has her on lasix and blood pressure pills for life. Is there a way to wean her off them and give her supplements instead? I give her some raw and some cooked meat with lots of veggies and greens, and she also gets a co Q10, milk thistle, turmeric, and grape seed extract daily.
Mar 20, 2018
Hi Michelle!
I myself have always taken away the western meds and changed the animals with just using all the supplements. In some cases, some people have weaned down, and others not. I think its truly your choice as to ‘how’ you want to do it, as there is not really a ‘right or wrong’ way. Its a personal choice as to what you feel most comfortable with.
Have they given you any ‘diagnosis’ name for what is going on with your fur baby? Or just ‘heart failure’? I ask because there are many heart illnesses, but usually congestive heart failure is the #1, which is fluids on the lungs, but its always caused by something else, such as cardiomyopathy, enlarged heart, etc.
Have you seen the regimen I used for Bohdi? Because I think the same things, such as the Nzymes(1 teaspoon), L-Carnitine, Taurine, Creatine and then the Q10 (at least 100 mg a day) would be greatly beneficial. When I think back to Bohdi, and he was a 6, being told that nothing ever survives a 6, it seemed pretty dire for him. But, to have been able to completely turn it around, speaks great volumes about the greatness of all these things together.
Is there any chance at all that Lyme disease is in the picture? I am finding more and more heart issues, having the underlying common ground of Lyme disease, either currently, or in the past. I almost wonder if that’s not the culprit? If that is something that could be, then we’d definitely want to use colloidal silver also to get rid of that.
Please let me know if you have any more questions, or if you’d like to have a chat on the phone too, we can do that also. 🙂
Mary Lennox
May 29, 2018
Great work!
Would you give a 20-lb Westin the same amount of colloidal silver for Lymes? Did you put it in his food?
Thanks, Mary
May 30, 2018
Hi Mary!
Yes it all goes right into the food. For your pup, I’d do one ounce of colloidal silver a day for at least 3 months and then a teaspoon of Nzymes also.
If you need help with colloidal silver, and want to make your own, here is a link that gives you information and on how to get your own generator to make it. ?
Mary Lennox
May 30, 2018
Thanks SO much for taking the time to answer me!
I’m going to look into the generator as soon as my SS check comes in!
Jun 6, 2018
Hi Mary, ?
Let me know when you do and I can help you with that all. Even getting it all set up and ready to go.
Nov 28, 2018
HI Brenda
Great story about Bohdi.
I have a 11 yr chesapeake that we have been giving ezymes and e drops for arthritis in his hipps which has work well.He recently been diagnose with heart failure. The Vet put him on Furosermide to treat the fuild in his lungs,Its been 5 days and breathing is better but still has fuild that he keeps trying to cough up.He also wants us to start giving him Vetmedin for the heart and says he will need to take it for the rest of his life.
I have not feed him raw food yet.If you can give me any advice would be apprecciated
Thanks for your work with pets and for mike giving me your info.
Dec 1, 2018
Hi John! ?
Are you thinking about doing raw also? If so, my recommendation for raw in the US would be the brand Darwin. Or, if you don’t want to do raw, you could also do a dehydrated raw, which then would be Stella and Chewy. Either one of these two are very good.
May I ask, are you giving your boy a double dose of Nzymes? I only ask since he’s 11, I definitely would be. The more ‘life’ you can give him, the better it will be for him. I double dose all my dogs, due to their ages and conditions, and then on Wednesday’s and Sundays, I double double dose them. ?
Jan 29, 2019
Hi Brenda,
I have a human and dog question. I first came across this on a FB post you commented on. My American Bulldog is on 60mg if pheno daily and I’ve just recently added CBD oil which looks like it’s helping and melatonin before bed. I was really intrigued with this product to add to my daily routine. For 10-60lbs, it says only 1/2 a tsp per day…..seems so low? Any feedback on this would be great! Thanks!
Also, my mom has MAC in the lungs. She is very intolerant to any meds, especially those required for that. We need to find something natural that will help to to prevent MAC disease. She has no symptoms but it was rechecked and getting bigger. Do you know anything about this? If so, could NZYMES be beneficial?
Jan 30, 2019
Hi Stephanie! ?
May I ask, is your dog experiencing seizures? If so, has this been going on for a long time? Do you, by chance give dental bones/chews? The reason I ask is because that is the biggest ‘culprit’ behind seizures. The chemicals in those bones/sticks essentially begin to create severe toxicity on the brain. Those, and then also many pet foods(kibble) are also a contributor. What food is your fur baby currently on?
I’m sorry I don’t mean to ask so many questions, ? but I always like to get right down to the bottom of everything, and then hit the ‘reset’ button and watch what happens. ? But definitely, the Nzymes would be a great help for the seizures. They’ll help detox out the toxins, free radicals and yeast out of the body, and often, that ‘cleanse’ is what the body needs to stop the seizures. ? But everything begins to change from head to tail. Especially shedding! It becomes almost non existent. It’s great to see what all happens with the body when Life is given to it. ❤️
The Nzymes half teaspoon is a regular dose, a full teaspoon would be a double dose. I always stick to the double dose especially in animals over the age of 8, and any ones experiencing health issues. Sometimes, I’ll even do triple or quadruple. All depends on the case. But, because Nzymes is just a live nutrition, you don’t ever have to worry about overdosing, as it is just ‘food’. ?
As for your mom, oh my gosh, absolutely YES Nzymes would be of benefit to her. But I’d also highly recommend colloidal silver also. I know the MAC is so resistant to antibiotics, and the CS can help with that!! I had a conversation today with my friend Steve, who is my ‘go to’ guy for CS questions, as I just wanted to make sure I was on the right path in thinking this would also be of big benefit. He confirmed what I thought, and so I’d definitely be able to help mom too! ?
If you’d like Stephanie, send me an email to with your phone number. I’d LOVE to chat with you! I believe we could have some really great things happen! ?
Thank you so much for reaching out!
Mary Lennox
Feb 27, 2019
Which of the products did you use for your own Lymes Disease and please share your protocol. Thanks!
May 15, 2019
Hi Mary!
I used the Nzymes granules, but then since have also learned about adding colloidal silver into it also. This has proven to be a very good combination for Lyme. The other thing that I’ve most recently begun to add in is the Nzymes Tracite Minerals. This is essential for ‘giving back’ the Minerals our bodies are badly lacking. It is a big plus I have found along with the Nzymes and silver. ?
Dawn & Mike
Jun 11, 2019
Hello! We have a 4 lb chihuahua, 9 years old who was diagnosed with a stage 2 heart murmur this past year. She has also had two episodes over the span of her 9 years where she turns pale and disoriented for several minutes before coming back to a normal state, and the emergency vet we rushed her to assumed it was an allergy from an insect bite. But after further speaking with her regular vet she say that she believes it is either seizure or syncope (possible heart arrhythmia). I just started her on Nzymes. Can you tell me how I would give her this other cardio mixture that you mention, and how much should be given to a 4 lb dog?
Jun 16, 2019
Hi Dawn and Mike!
I was just about to write a novel, ? and then I thought, maybe it would be easier if we had a phone chat?
I would love to go over everything with you, and get everything just right for your girl. ? The fact that it’s only a stage 2, is fantastic! She’s got a lot of positive going for her.
If doing a chat works for you, send me an email at and let’s figure out a time and day that works? I’m in Canada and on central time. Most nights, I’m up till at least 1 am. ?
Dawn & Mike
Jun 11, 2019
I should add that the vet says her lungs and other organs are clear, no fluid, so I don’t think she would need the diuretic portion. Also in 9 months of monitoring since first noticing it, the heart murmur has not gotten any worse. Do you think the Nzymes will be sufficient or do you think she should have the L-Carnitine, CoEnzyme Q10, Taurine and Creatine?